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日本酒にそこまで明るくない頃はスッキリ辛口こそ日本酒!と思っていましたが、日本酒を知れば知るほど旨み甘みの強いお酒に惹かれていっています。一癖ある日本酒も〇。 新政、たかちよ、WAKAZEなどが良き。

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I was lucky enough to come across the Senkou Snowman, so I bought it. The snowman I bought was a quiet boy. It did not spill. I had very high expectations for this product. The perfection of this product is amazing. Let's start with the top clear. Does it have a pear-like flavor? You can feel the sake character to some extent, and it's not just sweet or fruity, but the quality is high. The gasiness closes it off nicely, so it was refreshing to drink. Then, it is mixed with the ori well. When you do this, it changes to a silky taste. Because the ori is mixed, I felt that the petite and alcoholic sensation increased. But the drinkability and balance are in place without blurring. I'll be tasting it again as I let it sit for a few days.
Takachiyoたかちよ 無調整生原酒 おりがらみ WhiteXmas生酒
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The left side of the photo. HirakanaTakachiyo WhiteXmas label. It's grapefruit and apple. It is a blend of the green label and the red label that was aged at ice temperature. The perfect balance of sourness, sweetness, and dense extract fills the mouth with a sense of happiness. I can trust Takachiyo's fruity taste so much no matter which one I drink. It is also reasonably priced and easy to get hold of. As usual, even if you leave it for a few days, the balance of the taste will not be lost, which is great for drinking it slowly at home. The sweetness increases, so it is a matter of taste, but I enjoyed the sweetened version very much. It is a shame that the 500ml bottle ran out so quickly...
Akabu赤武 SNOW Xmas純米生酒
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The right side of the photo. This is the bottle that made me fall in love with Akatake. It was also one of the first bottles of seasonal sake I bought. It was a citrusy (grapefruit?) sake with a sweetness that was not overpowering, but still firm. It was. It's so easy to drink that you really can't stop yourself. I would recommend this one to anyone. I'd stock up on a few bottles...
自然酒にいだしぜんしゅ 生酛 しぼり 生純米生酛生酒
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It is the third day after opening the bottle. This is a very tasty Niidashi Zensyu. When I first opened the bottle, it was fresh and banana-like. I think the sweetness has changed to a muscat feeling on the third day. The sweetness is not overpowering, and I am enjoying a different expression. I'm curious to see how it goes after a few more days... Also, when I mixed it with about 1/3 soda water, the aroma blossomed and spread in my mouth, like a sake cocktail. It's tasty enough as is, but even those who don't like sake can enjoy this...? I love sake with a fruity taste.
大嶺大嶺3粒 新酒生酒 出羽燦々生酒
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The left side of the photo. I've always been curious about the 3 grains of Omine. I've probably never had Dewa Tsannan sake before, so I chose this one this time. I also have to drink Yamadanishiki... After feeling the sweet and sour taste, it goes away rather smoothly. I've seen it described as having a grapefruit feel to it, but it's true that the freshness could be felt that way...? (I don't have a very delicate palate...) (I don't have a very delicate palate...) Sake that doesn't make you squirm can go on and on, but the sharpness accelerates it even more. The freshness of raw sake is also good.
W山田錦45 純米無濾過生原酒 新酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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The right side of the photo. The fresh taste spreads and is refreshing and easy to drink... I was able to taste the strength as strong as the label. Personally, I think it's better to leave it for a day or two than to just open the bottle. I felt that the sweetness was emphasized and tasted better. It's amazing that the sweetness doesn't fade even after a few days. It's easy to drink, but it also has a sake flavor, so whether you're a sake lover or not, you'll enjoy it.
yuzu-san, excuse me here too! I actually bought the most flamboyant label of "W Doubleday" yesterday lol I'm looking forward to it because it's been a year since I drank a fire-hardened Yamadanishiki last year😁.
spkh. Thanks for your comment here too. LOL. The flashy label...? I've had both the fire and raw Yamada Nishiki, but haven't been able to find the others.