marc1947NEXT FIVE THE FINAL 2024Aramasa ShuzoAkita8/26/2024, 2:56:13 AM創作酒広場酒ステーション20marc1947Then this one. I heard a rumor that this year will be the last.Japanese>English
marc1947Aramasa見えざるピンクのユニコーン2021Aramasa ShuzoAkita8/26/2024, 2:46:51 AM創作酒広場酒ステーション28marc1947We had this one on the second anniversary of our favorite restaurant.Japanese>English
marc1947AramasaNo.6 A-typeAramasa ShuzoAkita8/25/2024, 5:36:33 AM8/23/2024創作酒広場酒ステーション16marc1947It was served at the second anniversary of my favorite restaurant.Japanese>English
marc1947Aramasa陽乃鳥 SparkAramasa ShuzoAkita8/23/2024, 1:20:30 PM創作酒広場酒ステーション23marc1947Elegant sparkling wine You can drink as much as you want.Japanese>English