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TomioPremier amour純米
yooseeA sake with a distinctive flavor in a wine bottle. It is quite sweet and would be suitable for an after-dinner dessert sake.
Tomioワンカップ 五山デザイン
YukoThis is a one-cup cup with illustration of Gozan (five mountains) that I bought in Kyoto. What's more, it changes color depending on the temperature. ⁉️ It was blue when I was drinking it cold, but at the end it changed to green with the warmth of my hand ( °_° ). The taste is just like Tomiou, a normal sake.
Tomio純米吟醸 量り売り 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
フジフジBrewed by Kitayama Honke in Fushimi, Kyoto Tomiou Junmai Ginjyo Nama-shu, sold in quantity This sake is really delicious! From the second sip of drinking I'm kind of in love with this sake. I fell in love with this sake. Super fresh and juicy Super fresh and juicy! Fushimi's sake is the best \(^o^)/!
アラジンHi FujiFuji😃 It was an intoxicating encounter because I feel like I don't get that many chances to find sake that I fall in love with ☺️ It seems like it's hard to get the sake by weight, but I would very much like to try it 🍶😊.
フジフジアラジンさん  コメントありがとうございます。 日本酒はほんと最高です😊 引続きよろしくお願いします🙇