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2167-4 Shūtōmachi Osogoe, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi
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Dassai純米大吟醸 45
Dassai Check-in 1
The first sip tastes as refreshing as water. Sweetness and umami spread later, and the aftertaste has a good sharpness.
Dassai純米大吟醸 45
Dassai Check-in 1
Body is light 1.2 Sweet aroma of fruit jelly and pineapple. Good balance between volume and mouthfeel, with a hint of acidity wrapped in mild sweetness. A gradual umami taste lingers afterward. The aroma is syrupy, so it may be difficult to match with food. The acidity is also moderate and mild, so it would be difficult to pair it with sweet foods. If I had to say so, I would say light-flavored domestic fruits such as loquat and cherry. It is best enjoyed on its own. 6
Dassai純米大吟醸45 にごりスパークリング純米大吟醸おりがらみにごり酒
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Rafa papa
Otters Junmai Daiginjo 45 Nigori Sparkling 60 years old. 😱😱😱😱 I'm 60 years old 😭😭😭 I want to spend my time in a place I have a lot of feelings for... 🏝️ I came to the island by boat 🚢. The weather is not so good☁️😅 I've been to Home Ocean🌊 over 20 times. But it's been 8 years! And it was a bullet day tour 🤣. So no diving 🥲. But I still miss it... I'm happy just to be here 😌. In celebration of my 60th birthday... Finally bought a buckwheat noodle making set ✌️ I used it right away on Sunday😊. It was the best I've ever had 🤣.
Happy 60th birthday, Rafa papa 🎉! I love the place ✨I love that you went to a memorable place✨! I'm sure you'll have a great time at home making soba noodles while drinking sake 😊.
Mr. Rafapapa Hello... Oh, wow! Happy 60th Birthday 🎉Here's to Otters, the origin of the Sake craze! 😍I guess I want to try buckwheat noodle making when I get old 🤔I want to do it when I get old too!
Masaaki Sapporo
Congratulations to Rafa papa on his 60th birthday 🎉It's nice to commemorate his 60th birthday at a memorable place ✨Soba noodle making is a great hobby 👀.
Congratulations on your 60th birthday, Rafa 🎉🎂. I hope you enjoyed your first time in the ocean in 8 years 😊. And... a set of Soba tools 😆It makes a difference when you have good tools 😻Please continue to have fun 😻 And what about alcohol? 🤣
Congratulations to Rafa papa on his 60th birthday 🎉Gozaimasu! Sake and Soba are the best. It's great to celebrate at the place of your memories 😆.
Congratulations to Rafa senior 🎉! I'm glad you were able to go to the place of your memories for the first time in a long time, even if it was only for a bullet train ride. I'm sure you'll be in a better mood now that you have new tools 👍
Hello Rafa papa😊and happy birthday🎉It's nice to spend your 60th birthday in a place of memories! I'm sure you're in a new mood with your new soba set! The otter sparring is also a perfect way to commemorate the occasion!
Congratulations to Rafa papa on your 60th birthday🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉㊗️🎊 Did you wear a red chanchanko🟥? 🤣 I like the commemorative buckwheat noodle making set. 💕︎👍 Let's make soba noodles while drinking sake🤣🤣!
Happy 60th, Rafa! ㊗️ What a good looking guy 🕶️🤣 to go to a place that has a special place in your heart on that day of your 60th birthday! You are enjoying life👍
Happy 60th, Rafa papa! ㊗️🎈🏝️🤿🎈㊗️ It's wonderful 🍾 to celebrate in a place where you want to go even if it's a bullet train ride. Your soba utensils are finally professional 😊. The soba noodles are thin, uniform, square and delicious 🤤.
Happy 60th birthday, Rafa 🎂🎉! Your energy to go on a bullet train to the place of your memories is quintessential 😊. The soba noodles look so delicious 🤤!
Rafa papa ㊗️ Happy 60th birthday 🎉2nd week of your life Soba noodles and sake 🍶 made by yourself will be exceptional again ☺️
Happy 60th birthday, Rafa papa 🎉㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️ It's great to be in a place that means so much to you 👍 I'm glad you're enjoying making soba noodles too 👏...water💦 is the key to both sake and soba 😄...what can I say 😭.
Congratulations to Rafa Papa on his 60th birthday: ㊗️ I made my own buckwheat noodles! That's awesome 😳 Looks so delicious! When will you open your restaurant? 😊
Good morning, Rafa papa 😀 Happy 60th birthday ㊗️🎊 The calendar has come full circle and it's time for a new start 😀 I hope you will show us all your buckwheat noodle making skills at the next meeting 😇.
Good morning Rafa papa 😃 Congratulations on your 60th birthday ㊗️🎉 I've never seen buckwheat noodle making tools before, Looks like fun 😄 I heard that it was taken in a place that you have a special place in your heart, It's nice 😄. Keep up the good Sake 🍶 life 😄!
Happy 60th birthday, Rafa papa 🎉! Let's enjoy the sake life and buckwheat noodle making more and more 😆. I look forward to the day you open your own restaurant 😉.
Rafa papa
Thank you ma-ki- thanks so much 😊 It's a special birthday and I wanted to spend it in a special place 😌 soba noodle making is interesting because you can't make the same thing every time 😁 it definitely goes well with sake 🤣.
Rafa papa
Thank you Koizo 😊 Otter is a delicious sake even if you drink it now 😋 and yet I rarely drink it 😅 buckwheat noodle making is fun 😁 I think you can enjoy it even if you are young for the first time 😌.
Rafa papa
Thank you Masaki Sapporo 😊 I went there for the first time 20 years ago and loved it. I went there for the first time 20 years ago and loved it so much I went back every year 😌 It's been a long time but it's still a great place 🏝️ I just started buckwheat noodle making last year 😅I'm having the most fun now that I can improve a little bit 😁.
Rafa papa
Thank you Ponchan 😊 I enjoyed it enough even though it's been 8 years 😌I still wanted to dive... 🤿I felt that tools are also important for buckwheat noodle making 😁I want to use new tools 🤣.
Rafa papa
Thank you so much, Swissisun 😊. I wanted to match Soba with Sake, then I thought I would make it myself... 🤣 the place of memories is a comfortable place to pause for a while and it was a very nice memorial 😌.
Rafa papa
Thank you very much, Bosuke 😊. I've always wanted to go... so I'm very happy with the bullet 😌It's important to start a new hobby with a formality 😁I'm feeling more and more excited to hit it every time 🤣.
Rafa papa
Thank you Sashiu 😊 There was a time when all I could think about was going to this island 😁I made the next reservation while I was there... 🤣I looked for different drinks to take to the island and Otter Sparkling was perfect 😋.
Rafa papa
Thank you T.KISO 😊 The red chunks have not come but I got a red kneading bowl 🟥🤣 I'm going to work hard on my buckwheat noodle making to drink 🤣.
Rafa papa
Thank you Maru 😊 Life is meant to be enjoyed🤣there is so much more to do 🤣I was told by Mr. 🐢 yesterday in the ocean to live another 10,000 years 😁....
Rafa papa
Thank you Aladdin 😊 I've been wanting to go for a long time so I'm very happy even if it's just a bullet 😌The workmanship changes a lot just by changing the tools 😁The tools are the only thing that makes me look like a pro 🤣I think it's the knives that make the thin corners stand out 😅.
Rafa papa
Thank you very much, TOMO 😊 I've always had a tendency to be forward when I want to do something 😅I'm very glad that you appreciate my energy 🤣I'd like to be able to make better soba noodles... 😌.
Rafa papa
Thank you Takku0103 😊 Well... the second lap of my life has begun 😳⁉️ good to know 🤣I'm very excited to see what the second lap has in store for me... 😌I'm enjoying the fields and buckwheat noodle making I recently started... 🤣
Rafa papa
Thank you Ace 😊. Everything is about "water💦" 🤣I felt it yesterday in the sea 😌I'll continue to enjoy sake and soba at my own pace 😁.
Rafa papa
Thank you superbebe 😊. I'm not good enough to open a store yet, but I hope to be able to one day 🤣 I'll train myself to be able to do so 🧘.
Rafa papa
Thank you Yasubeyesan 😊 I'm so excited to know that the second cycle is about to start 😳I'll practice hard so that I can treat myself one day at the offline meeting 😁.
Rafa papa
Thank you Papagon 😊. I have a lot of buckwheat noodle making tools, but this time I got some better ones 😁I love to try buckwheat noodle making 🤣 it's fun 😌.
Rafa papa
Thank you very much, Noodle Sake King 😊. I would like to be active in everything I do 😌I wonder if there are a lot of people in Sakewa who would become regular customers if I opened a soba restaurant 🤔.
Good evening Rafa papa 😃 Congratulations on your active 60th birthday 🏝️㊗️ 🎉Congratulations on being a man who looks good with the sea and buckwheat noodles🤗Cool ‼️ Enjoy your life 👋We'll be right behind you 😄.
Hi Rafa papa 🐥. Congratulations on your 60th birthday at ㊗️ 💐 The sea suits you 🌊 Making your own buckwheat noodles with your long-cherished buckwheat noodle making set is very special 😉 Looks delicious!
Good evening, Rafa. Congratulations on your 60th birthday ㊗️ It was a surprise to take a one-day trip to the ocean that you have been thinking about 😳Next time, I hope you can bring your buckwheat noodle tools and take your time to dive & make buckwheat noodles 😊The spring buckwheat is in full bloom 🌸.
Rafa papa
Thank you Jay & Nobby 😊. I don't know if the sea and soba noodles go together but I love it 🥰It's fun to think of it as the second lap of my life 🤣 I still want to enjoy life 😁.
Rafa papa
Thank you, Kotori! I finally got a buckwheat noodle making set 🤣I'm going to make more and more delicious buckwheat noodles 😌Be careful not to drink too much sake: ⚠️
Rafa papa
Thank you very much, Hirupeko 😊. I really wanted to stay overnight and dive, but I had no choice 😅But I also met a sea turtle 🐢I will try to live for a million years from now👍.
Dassai Check-in 1
All-you-can-drink sake at Ginjo Tuna🍶. The last one was Ottersai. I think I had a Houou Mita peach or something else before this, but I don't have a picture or remember. I think I've had them all before, not very adventurous at all 🤔. And the next day I had a terrible hangover 🤮All you can drink is a privilege for those who are strong drinkers. Every time I have a hangover I vow to enjoy it in the amount that suits me. But I forget. I don't know why🧐.
Good morning, Hinna! Hangovers are hard 💧 but I forget - why? I agree with you intensely lol. I love to have adventures, but it's also a good time to have my favorite drink 🎵.
Good morning, ma-ki. Thank you for your sympathy 😭...

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