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2167-4 Shūtōmachi Osogoe, Iwakuni, Yamaguchi
map of Asahi Shuzo
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DassaiBLUE Type23純米大吟醸
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The 13th Cup of the 5th Anniversary Festival here Junmai Daiginjo, also from Otters Blue Sake Brewery, Otters' New York brewery. A clear, sweet sake with a high degree of purity. A SAKE that is sure to be popular with everyone! The price of a four-pack bottle is over 10,000 yen... Prices in the U.S. are still high. Alcohol content 14 Rice: Yamadanishiki (produced in Japan) Rice polishing ratio 23 Pouring: Hi-ire From next year, they are going to make it with American Yamadanishiki. What will happen to it?
DassaiBLUE Type50
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11th Cup of the 5th Anniversary Festival here One of the products that landed in Japan from the Otters BLUE New York warehouse, type50, which began operating last year. I have a bad habit of just gulping it down, and I can't taste it anymore, but I think it had a soft mouthfeel. I think it was softer in taste. I wonder if it became an easily accessible sake for people living in the U.S.? Ingredient Rice Yamadanishiki 50 (from Japan) Alcohol 14%. The concept of "DASSAI BLUE" is based on a Japanese proverb Blue comes from indigo and is bluer than indigo. The concept of "DASSAI BLUE" is derived from the Japanese proverb, "Blue is more than indigo. Good luck!

Brands from Asahi Shuzo


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