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Whoever was looking at the fridge before, oh! I said, "I bought it quickly," so I checked out this app and good word of mouth. It was the last one, so I was thrilled to buy it and leave. Does it taste exactly the same as this Phantom Dance I recently bought? It tastes like dried grapes (I'm a newbie to sake, so I'm sorry, I can't really explain it) and it's delicious both cold and warm. It tastes great cold or warm. (Is it best when it's warmed up and cooled down?) This Phantom Dance has a more fruity smell. Also, it has a nice crunchy comfort in the throat (both 18 degrees). Hoshi's boast has a richer taste and a more refreshing aftertaste. Also, the price is about 500 yen for a bottle of wine. It was cheap. As a result, they were both terrific, and if I found them, they were delicious drinks that I would buy quickly if they didn't match what I had at home at the time.
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Rice used is Gohyakumangoku, Kake rice and Takaneminori This is the specs and the price. I jumped on it right away. It's constantly piquant and feels like it's jumping around on the tip of your tongue. The alcohol content is high and it has a good punch. There is a hint of miscellaneous flavors, but it also has a great flavor. The freshness has remained the same over the course of the day, and the bitterness has emerged, which is just fine in my opinion. Overall, it's an orthodox, sweet junmai sake, but it's not sluggish and can be enjoyed casually.
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特別純米 無濾過生原酒 生ーなまーナマーナマステー。ドンピシャでうまい。生を最大限に楽しめるお酒。呑み疲れはする。けど、このthe 生はいい!突き抜けてる感。プハァ〜て感じ。生ジワピリが口の中に広がる。87点 甘味:3 酸味:3 香り:2.5 辛口:2.8
1ヶ月後 生感はまだあるねー。なまじゅわふわー。うんうん。星自慢はまだ生きてる!余韻のジワは長め!
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職場の日本酒通に頂きました。 地元ではほとんど手に入らないんだとか。 無濾過原酒なのにキツさ、雑味はまったく感じず。まろやかで濃厚な味。味わい深いお酒。 柚子胡椒を添えた湯豆腐、タコのお刺身を肴に頂きました。

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