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yu yu
Tohoku Reconstruction Support Sake [Fukkoka Alcohol: 14.0-15.0 Sake meter degree: +2 A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this sake will be A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this sake will be donated to support reconstruction efforts. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of this sake will be donated to support reconstruction efforts. Refreshing and refreshing✨ The name is also nice. The pink letters on the white polished glass bottle are also beautiful! Wide mouth wine glass? Brandy glass? With a hint of blue mixed in, The sound when the glass is popped is also beautiful! The twisted legs are also cute!
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yu yu
Sake at [Sehrei no Ichi]. We have a wide variety of craft beers 🥤 and derivatives of them? In Craft cola and craft ginger ale. Craft Coke and Craft Ginger Ale. Well, it's non-alcoholic, I met them at a brewery.................. Memo note
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Place of purchase】Seurai-no-ichi Sake Brewery The accompaniment is pork marinated in miso. It arrived through crowdfunding and I opened the bottle immediately. https://camp-fire.jp/projects/view/584549 Juicy sweetness, lingering richness in the mouth. Very tasty, with no miscellaneous flavors at all. Rating: A
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2022 1030 f i r s t a n d f o r m a t i o n s Se-Ureshi-No-Ichi Honjozo Designated as a registered cultural property Rice polishing ratio 65 Se Ureshinoichi Sake Brewery Ichinoseki City, Iwate Prefecture
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Opened on June 4, 2022 Purchased after tasting at the brewery Very mellow ❗️It's called Junmai Ginjo, but it's sweet like Ginjo! Gentle and nostalgic feeling like Daifuku or mochi bean paste ^ ^ ^. Very smooth on the tongue and in the mouth and down the throat ^ ^ ^. I'd like to drink it slowly and quietly on a quiet night 🍶🍶.
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317 1997/6 Se-Ureshi-No-Ichi Handmade Junmai-Harashu 65% ±0 1.8 17-18° B Iwate, Ichinoseki city, Japan 720 1600 This is the first Se-Uchino-ichi in two years. It is full-bodied and sweet without being obnoxious. The aroma is a little characteristic. 136 1995/6 Se-Ureshi-No-Ichi Jomon-no-Flame Junmai-shu 720 1600 at Ichinoseki
Sekinoichi世喜の一 生本醸造生貯蔵酒
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Seki no Ichi Honjozo Nama Storage 14~15% 60 I went to a brewery in Iwate to buy it. I had already bought about 6 bottles on this trip, so I bought a small bottle size. I bought a small bottle because I had already bought about 6 bottles on this trip. "Raw" on the label means raw storage. I opened the bottle at home and took a sip. Easy to drink! Soft mouthfeel. The umami, sweetness, sourness, and spiciness are all almost equal, and it's great for eating. There is a hint of alcohol, but it's not bad. There are a lot of "raw" sakes with "raw" in their name, but this one surpassed my expectations. This brewery has a mochi restaurant on the premises, which is interesting if you visit as a tourist. If you visit this brewery as a tourist, it would be interesting. Rating: ☆☆☆☆ 20210617

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