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1410 Owakichō, Higashiomi, Shiga
map of Hata Shuzo
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Last month's hanpukai at Kadoya Sake Brewery, where 19-year-olds planted rice, harvested rice, and made sake. This sake is a toast to 20 years of age. It has a soft, round texture on the tongue with a clean, dry finish. It has just the right amount of acidity.
19さいのさけ純米酒 吟吹雪 火入れ 第12期生純米
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Rafa papa
19-year-old sake Junmai-shu Ginbuki Hi-ire 12th Kadoya Sake Shop's May hanpukai sake: ✌️ 31 19 year olds planted, harvested, brewed, and labeled rice. rice planting, rice harvesting, sake brewing, and labeling. and then toasted when they all turned 20 🥂. Interesting project 😌. 19 years old............... long time ago🥹. It starts with a refreshing acidity... I can feel the umami of rice that is typical of junmai... The spiciness with a strong sense of alcohol... It overtakes afterwards... It has a classical taste. This is the first sake I've ever had in my life. I think I would be more interested in drinking it again if it were a little more modern. I'm sure you'd like to drink it again. I also want people to know about classical sake I'd like people to know about classical sake before drinking modern sake. I think I'd like people to know about classical sake before drinking modern sake 😅
Good morning, Rafa 😃. I see that you are in your 12th year, so you have been doing this for quite a while 🙆. It's a pretty good project🙆 If you make it a little more modern flavor, it will be more popular 🤔.
Hello Rafa, ☀️ I saw this project on TV 😊 it's a great project. I hope you like sake and do sakewa too 😁.
Hi Rafa papa 😀 I think it's one of the best things about hanpukai sake that you can tell us more about the sake that has such a story to tell 😀. I'm also planning to experience rice planting for sake rice the week after next, so I'll be back to 19 years old next week or so 🤣.
Good evening Rafa papa 😃. It's a really good project 🥹I hope everyone likes Sake 🍶😊I was 19 years old 🤔...I was working part-time at a sushi restaurant where I met Nobby 😆....
Rafa papa
Good morning, Manachy 😃. Great project 😊I wish it would catch on nationwide 😁The second day the taste settled down and it was easier to drink 😋.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Bousuke 😃. 12 terms is great 😊maybe it's good to spread the word steadily 😌I drink without preconceived notions so any drink might taste better 😁.
Rafa papa
Good morning Maru 😃 Sake is a great Japanese culture 😊I hope you can pass it on to young people 😌It would be interesting if a local government did a project like this 😁.
Rafa papa
Good morning Yasbay 😃 So you're going to go rice planting 😊It's going to be a good experience... 😌 You're going back to 19 years old 😳⁉️ even though it was a long time ago than me... it's quite impossible 🤣.
Rafa papa
Good morning Jay & Nobby😃. So this was before you met😊but you are still connected😌I feel like your red thread is made of tuna🍣🤣I still see my girlfriend from when we were 19 at our class reunions😁.
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We changed the location and went to HOSHIZORA STAND in Namba, which was open until the 18th. It was a simple sake, straight from the heart, with no weird artifacts, very sharp and very delicious. 🙆‍♂️ By the way, this sake is the result of a collaboration between a sake shop and a brewery, where 19 year olds work together to create a sake that they can drink when they turn 20.
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How many 19 year olds are interested in sake? The 19 year olds who apply will make sake and drink it when they turn 20. It probably won't taste good, but the old man says. It's awesome!
Junmai with a milling ratio of 60 Raw manufactured in November 2022 Cosmetically less than 3,000 yen. Above all, it conveys thought. It is good that it has a story. Of course it tastes good because it is made with care.
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I think it's the easiest to drink of the three! I feel like the makers are making a sake that 20 year olds want to drink, so it's a delicious sake that everyone can enjoy.
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I bought it at the Kadoya Sake Shop, where I usually go, because I was attracted by the name on the label. Upon closer inspection, I found the name "Kadoya Sake Shop" on the label... But at the age of 19, I was attracted to sake. Everyone who participated is awesome...open the bottle immediately. From the first aromatic sip, the spiciness, umami and balanced acidity The first time it happens, it is a very good sign. The aftertaste is a little dry and sharp, which is my favorite impression. Delicious. Also, the nigori is well blended. The particles of nigori are fine. The feeling that it does not settle down immediately is also good. If there is more turbidity, it will be a little too much. The expression "just right" fits perfectly.

Brands from Hata Shuzo


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