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寒竹はつたれ 吟醸 生貯蔵原酒吟醸原酒生貯蔵酒
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I bought a bottle of KANCHIKU ginjo-ginsyu (300ml) at a convenience store in Sakuhira. I think it is the same one that Sashiu-san drank in his post about his trip to Shinshu. I heard that there are 13 sake breweries in the Saku area, but when I visited last Saturday, I got the impression that Kantake has the largest share of the local market, both in restaurants and convenience stores. In an area where there are 13 strong breweries, I think it is necessary to have not only a long history but also solid quality and strength to have the No. 1 local market share. The gloss, the sense of original sake, and the drinkability within a range that is not showy. It's good👍. I can feel the depth of Saku as a sake brewing area with this sake and regular sake from Kantake available at convenience stores.
Hiraccio-san, I see you drank it. I was also intrigued by the word "hatsutare" and bought it. It's very drinkable, yet glossy and tasty. The level of Saku's sake is really high, isn't it?
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Another drink at a restaurant near Sakuhei station. This is a freshly stored sake of Kantake, The 300ml bottle of Kanchiku has a unique creaminess and fullness, and it is extraordinary that the 300ml bottle of fresh-stored sake has such a unique taste. There are 13 sake breweries in Saku, I saw sake breweries everywhere today. Inside Saku-Heira Station (second photo), Shinkai Sanja Shrine (photo #3), and a dedicated sake barrel. In the city of Saku, where there are so many sake breweries, Kanchiku has a lot of potential to secure the local market share. Saku's specialty, carp cuisine. Carp wash. Delicious.
Hiraccio, good morning 😃. There are 13 breweries in Saku? ❗️ I would love to go there! I'd love to try some Koi cuisine and power up 😄.
Hi Haruei Chichi 😊. There are many sake breweries, many young brewers and they seem to be thriving with joint sake productions. I only washed carp this time, but I would like to try various kinds of carp at a specialty restaurant.
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Today, an expedition was made to Saku City, Nagano Prefecture. This is the second time for me to drink "Kantake," but when I think of "Kantake," all I can think of is Shinjo's review. It's a standard plain sake, but with a soft umami flavor, this is a very good quality👍. As a night sake (or morning sake, 😅), this is a good one. Take the Shinkansen 🚄 to Sakuhira station and change to the Koumi line 🚃. Nice train with a local feel. Get off at Usuda station. The sake shop was not open yet, so we went into a 7-Eleven, where we found Izutsucho, Sakunohana, and other local sake, the most common of which was "Kantake". The view of Saku is seen from the rocket-shaped observatory in Inariyama Park. A drink in the morning with the real Chikumagawa River flowing in the background.
Good morning, Mr. Hiraccio: ☀️ Pleasant view ✨Morning air and this view, the same sake will taste different😊. Looking forward to your Shinshu expedition report🎶.
Hi, Hiraccio 😃 Welcome to Shinshu ✨ A drink in the morning with the real Chikumagawa river flowing in the background👍. The view is great ✨.
Hello. I wrote something really embarrassing when I looked back at it. I guess Yoko Yamaguchi's lyrics go better with alcohol than my terrible writing. Mr. Yamaguchi also told me that "Kanchiku" is the most popular sake among local old men!
Hi Pon 😊 The view of Saku city is nice and pleasant. It is good to drink sake with the local character of the area. The scenery alone is enough to make the sake more enjoyable.
Hi Sieg Jikon 😊. I like Shinshu and keep coming back, but this time I am fully enjoying the central part of Saku City with its nice scenery. My countryside in Niigata also has the Shinano River (= Chikuma River) flowing through it, so I have a sense of familiarity with it.
Hello, Shinjou😊. Chikumagawa's lyrics by Yoko Yamaguchi are also wonderful. I played and listened to Mr. Hiroshi Itsuki singing on YouTube in Inariyama Park ♫
Cold bamboo seems to have a high local share and consumption rate. You brew high quality regular sake.
Hiraccio-san Good evening. I remember it was very well-balanced and tasty even though it was standard! It made me want to go back to Shinshu 😄.
Good morning, Sashu 😊. I like Kantiku. I also bought the kind of Kantiku that you drank👍
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Alcohol content 16%. Rice polishing ratio 55 Brewed sake I felt cold today, so I served it warmed. The warmed sake gives the alcohol a pleasant taste through the nose. Tomorrow, I will drink it cold.
寒竹美山錦 金紋錦 使用特別純米
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Shigeto Hori
It has a Shaoxing sake-like flavor and sake-like feel, with a clean aftertaste. It would be better to warm it up to give it a sweeter, softer flavor.
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Traveled to Saku City and Ueda area in Nagano for 2 nights and 3 days from the 8th. The purpose of the trip was to meet my former teacher from my college days and to see what kind of place my favorite Kamerei is made 😊. Well, on the first day, I drove there after work (^o^) and arrived after 10pm. It was late, so I bought some sake at a convenience store and had it at the hotel. It is a ginjo-shu from Kantake. The aroma smells like apples. When you drink it, the sweetness and bitterness are well balanced and crisp. The aftertaste is also refreshing. Although the alcohol content is high at 18%, it does not feel that way. The alcohol taste comes out gradually later, but overall, it is easy to drink and delicious. While drinking, I thought about what I would do tomorrow. Should I go to Ueda by car or by train? What route should we take? My plan was to go to Kamerei first thing in the morning, then to Ueda Castle for the cherry blossom festival, and then to visit other sake breweries in Ueda and have a tasting if possible, so I decided to go by train. This plan was not what I had in mind... I will write about the second day later!
Good evening, Mr. Sashu 😃. Oh! Nagano travelogue has started😊. But what a curious ending 😳 No way...I'm curious and won't be able to sleep tonight 😆.
Jay & Nobby Good evening 😄It really was a surprise. I guess a lot can happen on a trip even if you have it planned! I will write again, so don't expect too much, just wait and see!
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The aroma is subdued, with a hint of sweet rice flavor on the palate. The spiciness is felt later on, but it is moderate, and the aftertaste is refreshing. Sake meter rating: +2 Alcoholicity: 14 to 15 degrees Celsius Low acidity Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️
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I went on another business trip 🛻🤣. I came to Nagano today, but I arrived late and went to a convenience store to buy some things 🥸. Sometimes I like a brewed series 🤤. I don't know if it feels like it's 18% alcohol. I'm not sure if it's the same as the other ones, but I'm not sure. This is a great series for a nightcap 🤣.
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It has a watery mouthfeel with a slightly sweet aroma and taste. It also goes down the throat nicely, but you can feel the spiciness of the alcohol at the end. Sake level: Slightly high Alcohol content 15 Acidity Low Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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