SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
寒竹御代田 特別純米
lesser cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus) The taste is light and dry, a little sour. It has a unique aroma that cannot be described as caramel-like. It has a unique aroma that is hard to describe. It is soft and a little astringent. It tastes better when heated. Purchased at a sake brewery. Zodiac sign label. All Totsuka sake made with rice from their own rice fields in the neighboring town of Miyota. The sake brewery is located in a shopping street along the old Nakasendo road in Saku City (only open on weekdays). We were also given a seed money from the nearby Hanasura Inari Shrine (Photo 4). The staff at the brewery was easy to talk to and very interesting. I like this brewery.