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3734 Akitsuchō Mitsu, Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima
map of Imada Shuzo Honten
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Strong gasiness. Immediately after opening the bottle, the strong acidity from the white malted rice as well as the hint of malted rice was too strong for my taste, and I felt that I would prefer a sparkling wine in the same price range. After the second day, the balance of flavors settled down, and when I paired it with small sardine tempura, it was very drinkable. ⭐️⭐️⭐️+⭐️ Purchased at Fresta.
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When I asked him what would go well with the fried oysters he served us, he gave me this. I heard it is popular even overseas. Thank you very much. I would like to witness the moment when they came up with this brand.
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When I first bought it, the first sip of it filled my body with a strong sense of freshness, and it was very good for the first two days after it was opened, but after a few days it wasn't as amazing, but it's still a must-have wine for walking.
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Refreshing acidity and clean mouthfeel, just like a white wine. Low alcohol and easy to drink. I would definitely like to repeat.

Brands from Imada Shuzo Honten

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