EchoSKozaemon迎春Nakajima JozoGifu2025/3/3 12:17:292025/2/2619EchoSlight, easy to drink. happy new year
EchoSTaka貴 純米大吟醸 ドメーヌNagayamahonke ShuzojoYamaguchi2025/2/11 06:28:082025/2/815EchoSDomaine Taka Junmai Daiginjo
EchoSDATE SEVENSEASON 2 episode 2 萩の鶴 styleYamawa ShuzotenMiyagi2025/2/5 15:00:332025/2/218EchoSit's a very cute bottle.
EchoS川鶴炙りいりこ酒Kawatsuru ShuzoKagawa2025/2/2 14:29:132024/4/721EchoSfirst time I saw a sake that came with dried sardines! it's very refreshing and full bodied.
EchoSMimurosugiTokubetsu Junmai, Karakuchi, TsuyuhakazeImanishi ShuzoNara2025/1/29 12:08:132025/1/2922EchoSDry and Umami
EchoSMizubasho水芭蕉 純米 大吟醸 翠Nagai ShuzoGunma2025/1/26 13:41:052025/1/2622EchoSMizubasho Junmai Daiginjo SUI (1800ml) Mellow flavour, light on the taste buds but great fragrance
EchoSHagino萩の鶴 メガネ専用 新酒Hagino ShuzoMiyagi2024/12/20 12:31:522024/12/2019EchoSsweet, nice, easy to drink. happy glasses!