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稲庭本舗 明治佐助商店

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Yuki no Bosha純米吟醸純米吟醸無濾過
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稲庭本舗 明治佐助商店
そろそろフライトの時間が迫って参りました もう一杯 私がこれ、雪の茅舎をお願いしました 裏切りのないお味 フルーティーなお酒がやっぱり好きです🍶 さあ、帰りましょ〜 次回のこの会は山形に決まりました 日取りも決めたので今から楽しみです⛳️ 蘊蓄 無濾過、瓶貯蔵。柔らかな香りと口当たりなめらかで口の中で旨味がじわっと広がります。とてもクリアな味わいの雪の茅舎の純米吟醸酒です
Tabito純米 減農薬特別栽培米仕込純米
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稲庭本舗 明治佐助商店
秋田空港のこのお店、結構たくさんの秋田酒あります その中から田从(たびと)を選んでもらいました 初めて飲みます 本来は熱燗に合うお酒のようですが冷酒でいただいちゃいます アテはきりたんぽに味噌かけてもらいました 辛口のお酒にきりたんぽ味噌はよく合います 蘊蓄 重厚な印象の銘柄ですが、含むと意外とやわらかで軽快な口当たり。じんわりと米の旨みとコクが広がります。後味のもたつきがないので、知らず知らず杯が進んでしまう飲み易さがある。 ぬる燗では癒しの味わい。
Chitosezakari大吟醸 鏡田大吟醸
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稲庭本舗 明治佐助商店
3種目は綺麗なお酒です 大吟醸40%磨き この中では1番私好み 周りよりも味わいながら酒とアテを楽しんでます♪ まだ時間がありますからお代わりしましょう🍶 蘊蓄 華やかな香りと芳醇で深みのある味わいの上品で優雅な魅力を秘めた大吟醸酒。 鹿角市の「鏡田」地区の酒米「秋田酒こまち」を使用しています。 精米歩合 40% 原材料 米(秋田県産)、米こうじ(秋田県産米)、醸造アルコール 秋田県産あきた酒こまち100%使用 アルコール度数 16度 使用酵母 協会1801号酵母 日本酒度 +3.0
Ippakusuisei特別純米 良心特別純米
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稲庭本舗 明治佐助商店
Next up, another special junmai. But full of fruity flavor! The "iburigakko" is cut into small pieces so that you can put it in your mouth and enjoy the sake! It's a moment of bliss! There is still time before the flight! extensive knowledge Polishing ratio 58%, Junmai-Ginjo class polishing ratio at this price. Costa high! Everything is done to accompany the drinker's daily life. This is a bottle that truly reflects the "conscience" of the brewer. Calm fruity aroma. The gentle, rich sweetness fills the mouth. The moderate acidity creates a refreshing aftertaste. This is the standard for the most delicious sake, made from "white" rice and "water.
Mansakunohanaうまからまんさく  特別純米酒特別純米
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稲庭本舗 明治佐助商店
After enjoying an evening party at Akita Golf & Eiraku Shokudo, we took a walk in Chiaki Park the next morning. After waking up from a pleasant drunken state, we started further research on Akita sake at the airport. Here's a comparison of three different types of sake! First, Umakara Mansaku! I didn't know that! It's not just dry! It is deliciously spicy! For snacks, there are 10 kinds of tempura and 10 kinds of iburi gakko (pickled radish) to compare! Knowledge The theme of this special junmai sake is dryness with umami. It is easy to drink with its dryness wrapped in umami, and can be enjoyed not only by those who enjoy dry sake, but also by those who do not like dry sake. Umami dryness goes well with everyday dishes. It has a strong umami flavor, so it does not lose out to dishes with strong flavors, such as meat dishes, and a synergistic effect of flavors can be expected.
Chitosezakariチトセザカリ 純米吟醸 絹色純米吟醸
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The last sake AKITA Yukikuni yeast, which has a long lasting fresh and fruity aroma, is combined with Akita Sake-Komachi. It is bottled after hollow fiber membrane filtration and once-heated. This sake has a soft and mellow taste with a ginjo aroma like apples and melons. In addition to these three varieties, there is also a green label. I'll try it next time. The shop also has a Next Five sake comparison, so we saved that for next time.