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Rafa papaもりんちょboukenとしまゆっさんしょう太


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During the Bon vacations, I went to Kawamoku in Korien, which is often visited by Nemuchi-san. First visit😊. They carry Hishiko, Kiminoi, Kure, Murasakiu, Kunigon, W, Yamato Shizuku, Dewazuru, Haneya, Morishima, Ichinotani, Kamikigen, Yamamoto, Kenshin, Aozora, Shimehari Tsuru, Asakura, etc. I think there are many more. I think there are a little more Ippon bottles. I went there because I wanted some Ichinotani UNO, but they didn't have any 4gou... Lemon squash or (not gassy) honey lemon-like juicy sweetness. Great acidity and sharpness. I couldn't buy the sake I was after, so I bought it instead, and I'm happy to say it's even better than I thought it would be. I think there are not many Yamahai in Niigata 🤔. I wrote that Kubota has a Yamahai 😅. I feel like it has become more extractive as the days go by. I think it has become easier to drink now that the corners have been removed. It's been a week and I think the acidity has depth and breadth.
Hi bouken😊 I googled it when you said that and all I found were things I've never seen before 😳‼️ And this sake looks very drinkable and delicious, but it's yamahai 😳
Good evening, bouken🌙 I am very glad that you like Kiminoi. As you mentioned, it is a rare brewery in Niigata that has been producing Yamahai sake for a long time, and they make a very flavorful sake. We hope you enjoy the Keishin series as well 😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan 😃 I've been wanting to go there since they have a sake that you don't see very often 😊I thought it was pretty sweet and tasty 😋I thought you didn't like yamahai?
Jurian, good evening 😃 Kiminoi has a long history of yamahai 😊. This store seems to carry Keishin as well, so I would like to try it if I have a chance 😋.
bouken-san, good evening 🌛Kiminoi has recently started to sell their products 🍶I tasted the high-end "Kiminoi Yamahai Junmai Daiginjo" before, which is a 2-year aged Yamahai and was surprisingly elegant 😋It is high-end so please come and try it 😁
Hi Nemuchi 😃 I didn't know they carry it, I was so excited when I found it in the store 😳Yamahai jundai, looks expensive but just hearing about it sounds delicious 😆 I'd love to try it in a tasting 😊.
Honami純米吟醸 無濾過原酒 てんたかく純米吟醸原酒無濾過
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Rafa papa
Honami Junmai Ginjyo Unfiltered Unrefined Genshu Tentakaku I was caught by the label and bought it 😁. I thought it had a similar atmosphere to Murasakyuu. They are brewed by the same group of breweries. Sake brewed by a small group of 3 elite brewers Toyama's rice is brewed in Tentakaku The taste is... I'd say it's still in its infancy😅. Classical taste for a stylish label Taste 😋. I've been working a lot in the field on weekends lately I haven't been able to take my time to look at them. My wife leaves me to work on weekdays. I have to work hard on weekends 😅 Freshly picked vegetables are delicious 🤤.
Good morning Rafa, ☀️ I've never heard of rice rice before 😳I'm curious as I've never had it before! The eggplant and cucumbers look delicious😍The creatures won't wait for you lol, so please be patient with the sakewa and hang in there 😊🍅🥒.
Hi Rafa papa 😃 I've seen this drink in the store and was curious about it ❗The fresh vegetables look delicious 🤤.
Hi Rafa 😃 I had the first sake of Honami at the end of last year and it's still developing 😅I wonder if it will always be like this 🤔. I found the Beiyang from the same brewery sweeter and more modern 😋.
Hi Rafa papa 😃 It is indeed a label that will catch your attention 😊. Summer vegetables 🥒🍆🍅 look delicious 😋I know it must be hard to take care of them, but after working hard during the day, I bet the drinks at night will taste even better 🤗.
Rafa papa
Ponchan, good evening 😃. Tentakaku...I'm curious about your rice 😁 freshly prepared vegetables are delicious 😋 and I think I can enjoy it for a while 🤣.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. King of Noodles and Sake😃. I saw it in the store for the first time and bought it😊I thought there was a bit of a gap between the look and the taste 😅Freshly picked vegetables are fresh and delicious 😋.
Rafa papa
Good evening, bouken😃. We need to see if the new capital in the warehouse will make it a good or bad warehouse 🙄 Small warehouses are tough, so the capital will be helpful, but the capital may make it harder to do what we want to do 🥲...
Rafa papa
Good evening Jay and Nobby😃. I was caught well... 🎣😅😅My wife is working hard during the day on the vegetables... 😅I'm not working hard but I'm enjoying my evening drinks 😋😅😅.
Good evening Rafa! All of them look so fat and satisfying! By the way, cucumber? Zucchini? I think if you slice it and mix it with sesame oil and salted kelp, you can eat it for a long time 🤤.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Mr. Sakeran😃It's cucumber, not zucchini 🥒I'll try sesame oil and salted kelp👍‼️
Shichida純米 七割五分磨き 山田穂 無濾過生純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Rafa papa
Shichida Junmai Shichi-wari-5bun Polished Yamadaho Unfiltered Nama Dare to make a 70% polished sake... Maximize the original flavor of sake It's pretty wild 🤣 Fresh on the palate 🍎. Moderate sweetness and a slight effervescence 🫧. Soft but intense umami spreads... Gradually the sourness and bitterness enhance the taste 😋. It's not a pretty taste. And yet... The true taste is hidden 👀 I'd like to take my time drinking this classic...
Good morning Rafa-san 🐰 I've only had Aizan and Yamadanishiki, but the wild flavor at 75% rice polishing ratio is quite good 😆 I wonder if Yamadaho, the father of Yamadanishiki, is the father of Taisho, the depth of the wow!
Hi Rafa, ☁️ I've only had the hiyaoroshi Aizan, but all I remember is that it was delicious and tasty😅The fizzy feeling is good for this season!
Rafa papa
Good evening, 🐰 rabbit😃. He's exactly like a stubborn father in Taisho 🤣He's strict but kind... 😊Like the joy of being touched by kindness... 🙄.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Ponchan 😃 I think it's different from the original taste because it's 70% polished... but I could catch a glimpse of the deliciousness in some places 😋I'd like to try the other sakes carefully 😌.
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Kawamoku is a sake store in Neyagawa City, Osaka. I sometimes stop by to buy sake, as there are many brands that I cannot find in other stores. Although they did not have Hanahayo or Shinshu Kamerei, I bought this sake recommended by the master. It is a sharp dry sake with a light sweetness. It has a refreshing taste. I recommend this sake as a food sake that goes well with shrimp sauce, yakisai, bonito tataki, and any other dishes! The panda illustration is also cute.
Shota-san konban-ha (´´Thank you very much for your decision) I love these cute labels! I've recently learned to drink dry wine, so I'd like to try it when I see it 😊.
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Started drinking sake in 2023. I bought a bottle of Niigata Prefecture's "Sake Sake Forest" near my house. As expected of a Junmai Daiginjo, it has sweetness and a little bit of sapidity. It is a fruity sake, and I think it is good to drink before going to bed.