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During the Bon vacations, I went to Kawamoku in Korien, which is often visited by Nemuchi-san. First visit😊. They carry Hishiko, Kiminoi, Kure, Murasakiu, Kunigon, W, Yamato Shizuku, Dewazuru, Haneya, Morishima, Ichinotani, Kamikigen, Yamamoto, Kenshin, Aozora, Shimehari Tsuru, Asakura, etc. I think there are many more. I think there are a little more Ippon bottles. I went there because I wanted some Ichinotani UNO, but they didn't have any 4gou... Lemon squash or (not gassy) honey lemon-like juicy sweetness. Great acidity and sharpness. I couldn't buy the sake I was after, so I bought it instead, and I'm happy to say it's even better than I thought it would be. I think there are not many Yamahai in Niigata 🤔. I wrote that Kubota has a Yamahai 😅. I feel like it has become more extractive as the days go by. I think it has become easier to drink now that the corners have been removed. It's been a week and I think the acidity has depth and breadth.
Hi bouken😊 I googled it when you said that and all I found were things I've never seen before 😳‼️ And this sake looks very drinkable and delicious, but it's yamahai 😳
Good evening, bouken🌙 I am very glad that you like Kiminoi. As you mentioned, it is a rare brewery in Niigata that has been producing Yamahai sake for a long time, and they make a very flavorful sake. We hope you enjoy the Keishin series as well 😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan 😃 I've been wanting to go there since they have a sake that you don't see very often 😊I thought it was pretty sweet and tasty 😋I thought you didn't like yamahai?
Jurian, good evening 😃 Kiminoi has a long history of yamahai 😊. This store seems to carry Keishin as well, so I would like to try it if I have a chance 😋.
bouken-san, good evening 🌛Kiminoi has recently started to sell their products 🍶I tasted the high-end "Kiminoi Yamahai Junmai Daiginjo" before, which is a 2-year aged Yamahai and was surprisingly elegant 😋It is high-end so please come and try it 😁
Hi Nemuchi 😃 I didn't know they carry it, I was so excited when I found it in the store 😳Yamahai jundai, looks expensive but just hearing about it sounds delicious 😆 I'd love to try it in a tasting 😊.