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やきとり番長 とりDinningSeason 上田駅ナカ店

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Lastly, Sogapel IL Y A 100 ANS. I don't know what the name means. I don't care In a word, delicious Very wine-like. At the same time, it's mellow. A complex, three-dimensional drink. I've had No. 6 before. I think it's a little too sour for me. This 100 ANS has just the right amount of acidity It goes great with salty yakitori! The price is reasonable All the above sake are priced at 1000 yen per sake. The waiter's grilling technique is also well done. The bottle of Midaidarei is an old Kamerei one-cup bottle. You can find it at Okazaki Shoten now! The last picture is her eating oyaki on the Zenkoji temple main road 😆.
You are enjoying your trip to Shinshu to the fullest, aren't you? I envy you that you can even drink sogape at a regular restaurant.
Hello, Mr. Sakeran. This restaurant does not seem to have a sake menu I look in the glass fridge and order sake The sake is hidden in the back, so I ask the owner Soga was hidden in the back😅
Hello, Mr. Department Chief Yama! I wish I could live in Nagano. But if I lived here, I would probably be drinking every day instead of working! That's not good lol
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Yakitori Bancho 2nd glass Takizawa Special Junmai Freshly opened by the owner Nice aroma, slightly fruity Soft mouthfeel, my favorite quality of sake. Moderate sweetness and rich umami. It has a strong umami, so it goes well with strong flavored food. Yakitori with garlic sauce What a genius way to eat yakitori! The crunchy texture of the cartilage inside the tsukune is a delight! I think it might be my favorite! The liver is also great! The aroma of binchotan (charcoal) is very appetizing! The fourth photo is a row of cedar trees at the Togakushi Shrine. The cedar grove is spectacular! The sacred space is very moving.
Good evening. Did you go to Togakushi to Okusha Shrine? It is quite a walk, isn't it?
Good evening, Ms. Goonyi. Yes, I went to the inner shrine. Long way to Kuzuryu Shrine. The deeper we went, the harder it was, and we saw many elderly people climbing up the mountain with climbing sticks. Pretty impressive🙏.
Good evening, Mr. Department Chief Mountain. A very good sake indeed! Soft and gentle Round, umami, mellow flavor Too bad we didn't order "Mutou" that day. Now I kind of regret it.
Shinshu Kireiひとごこち 火入れ純米
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At Yakitori Bancho on the 2nd floor of JR Ueda Station We ate Yakitori with delicious sauce, a specialty of Ueda! Mr. Okazaki of Kamerei is a regular customer. Yakitori is grilled chicken dipped in sauce. The sauce is soy sauce flavor with lots of garlic! The sauce is sweet and salty and addictive! The first glass was Kamerei Junmai Sake Hitogokochi September Fire-version! Actually, I was greedy and ordered one gong to enjoy it slowly, but I drank too much craft beer and forgot to take a picture! Slightly schwar A little sweet and fruity with a refreshing acidity. Slightly bitter, just right, perfect balance 😋. In my opinion, the strongest food wine! It is delicious no matter how many times you drink it! Driving through Komoro city toward Tomi city, a magnificent mountain view caught my attention. What an amazing view, unfortunately I don't know the name of the road. It is a very long, straight uphill and downhill road !
superbebe, I've been to Yakitori bancho too 😆❤️This Yakitori and Shinshu Kamerei Hitogotchi Junmai are a great match 😆 Enjoy Shinshu to the fullest 😆.
Good evening, Mr. Manachie. The grilled sweetfish I had at a nearby restaurant called Koinishi was great! Aaah! I miss such delicious yakitori already! Delicious and goes well with sake! I want to go back tonight 😆.
I would like to try it someday, but there are so many good Shinshu sake that I would be lost 😅.
Good evening, Harry Sakeboy. Anyway, you were right to ask for everything 😆.
Isn't that the Asama Sunline? I also ran it to go from Karuizawa to Ueda.
Good evening, Goonyi Go! I see! Asama Sunline! Thanks for telling me the name of the road! I'll check it out on Google maps and Youtube.
Good evening, Mr. Dept. Chief Mt. I see - Asama Sunline~! I just looked at the google map. If you drive toward Tomi City, you'll see Mt. Asama on your right! I see.
And wow, you can see Mt. Fuji here too! Wow! Wow!