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Tenko大竜爪 早卸 前汲み 特別純米特別純米
Jacky W.Clean, pale yellow nearly transparent. Medium aromatic intensity of banana, rice, a bit green, unripe fruit. Medium bodied, Very clean and a bit acidity in mouth, medium+ flavor of steamed rice, umami and medium+ finishing, rich after taste.
Tenko純米袋採リ 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
Jacky W.Clean transparent color. Medium+ aromatics intensity, all about rice. Very strong, mellow one. High alcohol intensity. Medium+ bodied, very rich flavor intensity of rice, umami. dry, spices, long finishing.
あおちゃんMy friend has the wrong name! I have a comment of 😱 shame l shame 🫣. Thank you bouken 🙏. I've been to Oyama-san! Kyoto is in the midst of bustling activity! I had a few drinks at the Gion Festival BAR at Liquor Shop Okayama after the Gion Festival and it was the most delicious and most expensive sake. It was the most expensive and tastiest sake. It has a sake-like taste with a moderate sweetness 👌. Not a sake you can drink at home due to the price. It is also possible to drink it at a restaurant 😁👌👌
boukenSorry 🙏 sorry 💦.
あおちゃんThank you bouken 😁. I could drink alcohol that I usually don't buy and drink 😁. Thank you for telling me about the mistake 😭 I thought it was kinda weird 😰. I was thinking 😰.
ポンちゃんGood morning, Ao! Good job on the Gion Festival 💦💦You must have had a good drink ✨After all your hard work, you must drink this much? 😁
あおちゃんHi Pon 😃 There were a lot of people this year! There were a lot of foreigners but also a lot of locals 😁 I was immediately dizzy from all the sake on my empty stomach 😁.
茄子の花 無庵
ellieHere is the second glass. A slightly yellowish liquor. The appearance of the sake suggests that it is heavy, but it was not so. 😋 It had a classic taste, but it was not too sweet and did not have a strong nose. I got the impression that it was mild while still retaining a solid flavor and umami. I had it with tempura.
Tenkoてんこう 酸基醴酛 無濾過原酒
赤兎馬. Sake rice: Gohyakumangoku Polishing ratio: 60 Sake degree: -2 Acidity: 2.1 Slightly sweet with a deliciously sour and refreshing taste! ✩4.0
いーじーI purchased this sake at the beginning of the year in Shizuoka, where my grandmother is located, and left it there. Tenhiki is not often seen outside Shizuoka Prefecture, and was recommended to me by a liquor store clerk. It is highly rare. Cold sake. Medium dry, with an impressive complexity of acidity and sweetness. The aftertaste is refreshing and lingering. After the second sip, the complexity is gone and it is easier to drink. Suitable for mid-level sake drinkers.
Tenko大竜爪 前汲み 早卸特別純米袋吊り槽しぼり
うるっちょThe quality for hiya oroshi was good and some of it was shipped specially. A part of it was specially shipped. It has a crisp and broad flavor. Peach-like sweetness lingers in the middle of it. A tsundere bottle that is typical of TENNIHOU Let's pay attention to this year's Tenkoh hiyaoroshi! (-゜-)(_. (゜-゜)(゜-゜)(゜-゜)(゜-゜) (-゜゜)(_゜)(_゜)(_゜)(_゜) _.)
Tenko特別純米原酒 酸基醴酛 番外酒特別純米原酒
いーじーSake toast for birthday #3 Sake No. 8 purchased in Shizuoka where my grandmother lives. I bought this sake during the year-end and New Year holidays because it is not often seen outside of Shizuoka Prefecture and I thought the name was cool to begin with. She recommended it to me. Since it had been on the shelf for so long, I thought I would drink it for my birthday. Cold sake. It is a limited edition sake. It is said that it is a kind of sake made from "Sour base, sweet sake yeast" and it is my first time to drink it. It has a sour aroma. It has a very complex flavor with a mellow sweetness and a strong acidity. It has a long aftertaste. I felt the sharpness. It has a light finish that is unique to Shizuoka sake. Rare in my opinion, so if you see it while sightseeing or on a business trip in Shizuoka, go for it!