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Sake received on a trip to Niigata, Part 1 I received it gratefully, but... I would never buy it by myself. (//∇//) I have an image that Niigata's sake has a lot of brewing. My father, a carpenter, when he came home from work, put a bottle of sake on the dining table and drank it with a glass of Kirin beer. with a glass that says "Kirin Beer" on it The kind of sake that you would drink in a glass with Kirin beer written on it... Holy shit! It reeks of alcohol, and the kids hate it... I get the picture... Yes, I'm going to the sake bath. My family was happy. But this one is not suitable for a sake bath because it's alky soaked...
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Suganadake, another selection Kondo Sake Brewing Comparison Suganadake Bessen is brewed with Dotpara fresh water that gushes from the hillside of Suganadake, located in Gosen. This year, too, the public was not allowed to participate in the "Kan-no-Ku no Mizu-Kumi" (water pumping in the ninth day after the onset of cold weather)... I'd like to go there someday! This is dry! Warmed up, the aroma is more full-bodied. More softly umami than cold. Evening sake. === Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewers' alcohol Ingredient rice: Niigata rice (Gohyakumangoku) Rice polishing ratio: 65 Alcohol content: 15-16 degrees Celsius Sake degree: +5.0 Acidity: 1.3 2,200 yen per 1,800ml === ★★★☆☆☆☆
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A gift Sake from Kondo Shuzo in Niigata Prefecture After the sake brewing process is over, from June to August, the toji (chief brewer), the brewer, and an appraiser open the tanks for the first time to examine the quality of the sake (color, aroma, changes in quality, and maturity). This sake is bottled so that the customer can enjoy the state of the sake at that time. This sake is bottled so that customers can enjoy it at its best. It is a light, dry sake with a strong alcohol taste.
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Degree of personal preference: ★★★★ It has a strong, weighty flavor with a good crispness. The high alcohol content of the original sake also plays a role in the good balance.
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A beautiful Kambara sake with a beautiful shape, this is it, this is Echigo's sake. !!!! 18 degrees - The best match with Gohyakumangoku! It has a wonderful taste of transparency by drawing the water of Kankyu. It makes you want to eat soba.
Suganadake特別純米酒 九 CUE特別純米
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Nishikiya (錦屋酒店)
Suganadake (Suganadake) Special Junmai Sake 9 CUE The famous water "Dopara-Shimizu" of the hillside of Mt. Suganadake in midwinter of January when snow falls. It is said that the ninth day from the beginning of the cold season is the clearest water of the year since ancient times, and the sake does not go bad. This special junmai-shu is brewed using water from the ninth day of the cold season. The bright blue bottle has a powerful "9" character. It has a mild aroma. It has a clean, clear and light mouthfeel. The flavor of the rice and a slight astringency make it refreshing and A light, dry taste. It is much better warmed than chilled. You can feel the soft sweetness and umami, and it has a good mouthfeel. === Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Raw material rice: Koshitanrei (rice produced in Niigata Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 14 - 15 degrees Sake degree:+4 Acidity:1.5 720ml 1,672yen === ★★☆☆☆
Suganadake本醸造 生原酒「寒九の水仕込」本醸造原酒生酒
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Nishikiya (錦屋酒店)
Suganadake Honjozo Nama Genshu "Kanchu no Mizu Jikomi Nama-gara-shu is brewed using Dopara-shimizu water for 25 days, and then the original sake is squeezed while still fresh. The taste is smooth and clean, and the flavor of the rice spreads. It is a little sweet on the tongue. It is high in alcohol content and has a rich flavor, but it is easy to drink. It has a taste that oozes. On the rocks, it's crisp and refreshing. This year, due to the influence of Corona and heavy snowfall, it seems that the water fetching climb by the public could not be done, but I want to participate in the next by all means. === Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic), Brewing alcohol Raw Rice: Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio: 60%. Alcohol content: Between 18 and 19 degrees Sake degree: +5.0 Acidity: Chilled, on the rocks "Kanku no mizukumi It is the 9th day after the beginning of the cold season. This is the ninth day after the onset of the cold season, and we draw fresh water from the "Dopara Shimizu" spring located in the middle of Suganadake, which is covered with snow. The fresh water drawn from this spring is used as brewing water for the cold brewing of "Kiyosake Suganadake". The reason why the water is drawn on the ninth day after the onset of the cold season (Kan-kyu) is because, according to old legends, "if you draw water on this day, it will not spoil" and "this is the clearest day of the year". 720ml 1,628yen === ★★★★☆
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Suganadake Honjozo Drinking out after a long time. Soft and refreshingly dry. It's good with beef tongue shabu-shabu. Yum! === Ingredients: Rice (made in Japan), rice malt (made in Japan), brewing alcohol Alcohol content:14.9 Sake meter value:+5.0 Acidity:1.2 Rice polishing ratio:60% Rice: 5 million stones Yeast: 720ml: 1,342 yen === ★★★☆☆☆
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2020.02.29 エンドウ酒店(五泉市)にて購入。 🌾国産米、精米歩合:60% 日本有数のニットの産地として知られる新潟県五泉市は、その名の由来が「5つの豊富な泉がわき出る」や「5つの川が流れる」など諸説ありますが、豊富な水源に恵まれています。 菅名岳の中腹から湧き出る「どっぱら清水」を寒の入りから9日目に汲む仕込み水と、地元で収穫された新米(五百万石?)で醸す「菅名岳」。一番早くリリースされるのが、この生原酒です。 生酒のフレッシュさと豊かな香り、すっきりとした飲みやすさも感じます。

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