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Sake received on a trip to Niigata, Part 1 I received it gratefully, but... I would never buy it by myself. (//∇//) I have an image that Niigata's sake has a lot of brewing. My father, a carpenter, when he came home from work, put a bottle of sake on the dining table and drank it with a glass of Kirin beer. with a glass that says "Kirin Beer" on it The kind of sake that you would drink in a glass with Kirin beer written on it... Holy shit! It reeks of alcohol, and the kids hate it... I get the picture... Yes, I'm going to the sake bath. My family was happy. But this one is not suitable for a sake bath because it's alky soaked...
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A gift Sake from Kondo Shuzo in Niigata Prefecture After the sake brewing process is over, from June to August, the toji (chief brewer), the brewer, and an appraiser open the tanks for the first time to examine the quality of the sake (color, aroma, changes in quality, and maturity). This sake is bottled so that the customer can enjoy the state of the sake at that time. This sake is bottled so that customers can enjoy it at its best. It is a light, dry sake with a strong alcohol taste.

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