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Hankyu Department Store (阪急うめだ本店)
I also bought this at the Hankyu Department Store's Brewery Festival. This was one of the main attractions of the festival. I chose this brand because I've never drunk it before because there seems to be no special agent in Kansai. It is slightly sweet. It is soft and light on the palate. It goes in easily like water. The sharpness is outstanding. The acidity is impressive. It has a strong sense of uniqueness. According to the conversation between the brewer and other customers, it is not new sake but aged in the warehouse. It is true that there is a light aged feeling, but it is not a strange feeling, so it does not bother me at all. The person who gave us the sake for the tasting seemed to be the president.
It's also plum and cherry-ish.
WakatakeyaNUDY 一絲不掛 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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First time to drink outside after the state of emergency was lifted. Master looks so happy! He introduced us to some of the drinks he's been saving since the declaration came out. He recommended us to start with NUDY from Wakatakeya in Fukuoka Prefecture. A little bit raw It has a strong acidity. But it's light and easy to drink! Tonight's party is about to begin! knowledge Nudy's Junmai Daiginjo and Tokujunmai are available on the net, but Junmai Ginjo is not. I'll check the post on the other hand at "Sake no Wa". The grains of rice on the label are a bit meaningful🤏.
WakatakeyaNUDY フリフリ なま 特別純米 雄町
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The🚙 that went to Wakatakeya Shuzo We've been visiting this place from time to time. The old warehouse is used as a direct sales shop, and it has a great atmosphere ⤴️. As soon as you bend down to enter the door, you'll find yourself drawn into a darkly lit room where you can see all the way to the end of the room and see all the sake on display. I get excited every time even though I know what I'm doing 😆. I usually buy souvenirs, but this time I went shopping for myself. I told the staff that I wanted a sweet sake, and they invited me to the fridge. She recommended moko×2, but I was drawn to this label and the word "frifuri", so I chose✨. I found out later that it's Origarami, so it seems🤔. The aroma is sweet and understated. When you take a sip, it's not fresh, it's raw and not too sweet, but at the same time it's pungent! After that, the aroma of grain appears at the back of the nose When you swallow it, the pungency sticks in your throat. As the temperature rises, the spiciness comes out and the alcohol feeling becomes stronger. Huh? It's easy to drink, but it's a dry style impression 😅. I've heard that NUDY is dry when brewed. I'll try moko x2 next time
Rika konbanha(´∀∩). NUDY moko² was delicious (*ˊ˘ˋ*).Â:*° I bought the label😊. The name of this series is frilly and cute ♡.
Good evening, Rika! 😄. So it's only the origara that's frilly. I see! I knew about Wakatakeya 😲 but I've never drunk it before. A sake brewery tour sounds good too😆.
Rika, good evening ✨. I don't know why, but the label attracts me😊. I think I know what it is, but I don't know❓.
Rika,Good evening🌆 I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. The name is modern, but the taste is real dry. I think I want to drink it when it gets cooler.
Eririn💕 Nah! I looked for past reviews thinking 🎵Next time I'll drink moko x2 ⤴️. But Eririn-san's pace of drinking is so fast that I had to flip through a lot of past reviews to find moko lol😆.
⤴️They used to offer a lot of tastings too ⤴️When you open a bottle of Corona, you should definitely go visit the brewery🙆
Maa. lol I didn't notice, but now that you mention it, I pretty much choose my drinks by their labels🤣. I guess I'm just weak on looks, haha 😆. Easy to be fooled type💕.
I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one who's interested in this kind of thing. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you.
Rika-san♪ If you go to the partner page and select the map or the name of the prefecture, you can find it quickly and easily.
I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's a fan of your work.
Thanks for your help, Rika! I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
🙆🙆I've learned so much from everyone at Sake no Wa 🙏I've become so much more open-minded than when I was drinking alone💕Everyone is so kind💕Sake no Wai ✨✨✨.
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The alcohol you gave me. The taste is delicious and it is a pure rice sake. If you like sake, you will enjoy this sake. There are some habits peculiar to sake itself, so those who don't like it may not like it. It is not the sweet fruity type that we usually drink.
WakatakeyaNUDY moko2特別純米生酒
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I've been saving this for a while. I bought this at a liquor store I stopped by on my way home from work. The sake from Kyushu is really delicious with a lot of flavor.
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16% alcohol Map fill in Fukuoka Prefecture, Holy shit! I loved it as soon as I saw the bottle and checked the back too. Rice used -> Omachi (all rice) ⬆️What does that mean? I don't get it at all💦 I'm up for the challenge ❗ Eeyore↑(/>_<)/ From the first sip, (,,-д-,,)) Nma! What is this? Sweet🥰 But after drinking it, the sweetness lingers, but it's also refreshing✨. I'm so glad I bought it. I went to ♨️ to celebrate my friend's birthday. The weather is nice and🚗💭 On the way, I suddenly lost my strength. I felt like I was suffering from heat stroke💦💦. We went to the roadside station and had a sweet sake soft 🍦 I ate a sweet sake soft 🍦 and grilled char (to replenish salt) at a roadside station. I was instantly energized and enjoyed the ♨️ to the fullest! ✧*.٩(ˊωˋ*)و✧*.
Good morning, Eririn-sama😊Yes! This label is very meaningful and interesting to buy👍Please be careful when you go out❗️.
Hello A205X253! Thank you 😊. The temperature dropped a bit from the heat wave, so I loosened up💦. My first time drinking Fukuoka sake 钎It was delicious🎶. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that works for you 😌.
Good evening 😄 It's nice to have a hot spring ✨ Please be careful of heat stroke It's a local sake but I hadn't checked out Wakatakeya yet 😅.
Holy shit, Tsuyodai-san konbanha! Thank you 😊. There are a lot of ♨️ that you can take a day trip to so you can go as soon as you feel like it🚗💭 I really enjoyed this sake and I would like to try the other ones too✨✨.
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The common denominator is a clean, smooth sake with a slight greenish smell like barley or bamboo. It's a Junmai Ginjo, but it has a soft aftertaste that retains the flavor of the rice. Wakatakeya is a sake that is supposed to be drunk at room temperature.
Good evening. I live in Fukuoka, but I haven't had a drink at Wakatakeya yet. I've been wondering about it for a long time. I'm going to try it next time.
Thank you for your comment, Tsuyodai! I especially recommend a sake called Wakatakeya's Keisei, so if you have a chance, please do ☺!

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