As it happened, I compared this sake with the 100% Ishikawa-mon sake from Yoshida Kurau, which I will check in with later. The first saké was 'sweet but refreshing' and different, but the second saké had the same taste in the back of the throat.
Drinking at home 65th bottle in 2024
This sake was recommended by a local liquor store when I visited Kanazawa in June.
It had a mild aroma for a daiginjo and was well-balanced so you would never get tired of it.
Date of production: June 2024
Rice: 100% domestic rice
Polishing ratio 50%.
Ishikawa Prefecture, Nakamura Shuzo's sake
Nichiei is the main brand
I will drink it for the first time😊.
When I think of AKIRA, I think of Otomo Katsuhiro's manga 🏍️ or EXILE🕺.
I bought it at a store called Bioral in Life, which has a lot of organic products, along with Hotsugaru, which I drank the other day. It has a strong graininess, probably because it is an organic junmai sake like Hotaru. It's a little bit sweeter than Hotsubaru with a clean graininess.
When drunk at room temperature, it has a sweetness like raisins and tastes better than cold sake 😋.
Pon-chan, good evening 🌃
Pon-chan and Nemuchi used 3㌥ and I wanted to use it 😁The name of the sake is like AKIRA but I didn't know the origin when I looked it up😅.
A birthday celebration was held for his son!
Today we went peach picking, then salmon pork cube, then gelato, then hand rolled sushi, then full course of potatoes, then cake!
I forgot about running in the morning.
Light. Brew-like in a good way. Refreshing!
Amber colored liquor in a sky blue bottle and cork. Chill it well. It has a strong rice flavor, but it has a refreshing mouthfeel with no cloying acidity. It is easy to drink with a refreshing aftertaste.