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Asamai-184 Hirakamachi Asamai, Yokote, Akita
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Fresh from the farm, Junmai sake 15 degrees, 70%. This is a sake from Akita-Yokote, which is read as "Tabito". I'm sure I've had it before at some pubs, but this is my first time to buy it. The name sounds delicious. It says, "It matches modern cuisine. This brewery has been brewing all pure rice wine since 2002. The fact that they let it mature for three years or more before selling it is also very interesting. Now, take a sip. I have a feeling that it will be twitchy for a moment. The sweetness is good for warming up. I left it at room temperature for a while and tried again. The sweetness was soft and full-bodied. However, it had a slight twinge to it. It's almost like a burnt taste. I don't dislike it, but it's a habit I have. It's just that it has a core. I heard that there are many people who don't like the Sanpai in this brewery. This product doesn't have any "Sanpai" markings on it, but I wonder if this bad habit comes from the fact that it's a waste product. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not. I don't know if it's because it's all made from yamahai or because it's aged. Rating☆☆☆☆20200808
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そばびより 朱月庵
❕❕22BY❗❗ 飲んでから説明してくれましたが 9年ものの熟酒でして😱 そんなことも知らず 飲み口はなんとも 酸味と旨味のバランスがよくて 飲みやすいです🍶 ここの酒蔵は熟酒造りに力を入れているそう。秋田県唯一の女性杜氏さんが理想のお酒を追求しています。 📝人という漢字を2つ重ねているのは 古代中国文字で、人の集まりを表しています。 「米を造る人」「酒を造る人」「売る人」「味わう人」 の関わり合いを忘れまいと名付けたといいます📝 精米歩合60% 日本酒度+6 酸度1.7 アミノ酸1.3 酵母 協会901号 使用米 徳島県産山田錦100%

Brands from Maizuru Shuzo


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