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Sumiyayahee 1

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116 Katsuyama, Maniwa, Okayama
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Sumiyayahee備前雄町 純米吟醸
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Purchased during a visit to Tsuyama. The absence of activated carbon gives the junmai sake its original bright yamabuki color, and the slightly acidic flavor of Omachi is brought out. The full-bodied taste of Omachi was brought out by the lack of active carbonation, and the full-bodied throat finish left a rich lingering aftertaste. We drank it cold, but it would have been nice to drink it lukewarm on a long autumn night.
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The moment you put it in your mouth, you will feel the smell of alcohol and sourness, just like a sake labeled "hot sake" at an izakaya (Japanese-style pub). Some people may find it peculiar. However, it has a rich flavor and a thick sweetness, and there is almost no residual taste after swallowing. The first impression and the good-bye impression are completely different. Many people may not like the initial flavor, but this is definitely a bottle that I can recommend to sake lovers. But it seems to be ...... out of print. ...... What a waste: ......
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Junmai🍶Omachi🌾. Bingo-Ochiai - Yonago - Okayama - Matsumoto train trip 🚃Day 3 It's bright and yellow 😳. It has a sense of maturity, but it's more refreshing than I imagined. It is slowly coming on. It's so refreshing when paired with the tai skin ponzu. I underestimated the night in Okayama and didn't make reservations, but all the restaurants were full 😭 reluctantly went in and the conveyor belt sushi was unexpectedly delicious 😋Thankfully 🙏 Momotaro in front of Okayama station was having a fever ✨. Sushi Kaito @ Okayama 20211211
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Okayama Omachi rice, 55% polished rice Pale yellowish-brown, dry sake with acidity and a mature aroma. I'm told it's been stored and aged for over a year, which gives it the inherent depth of rice, but it's never hard to drink! I didn't like it... but it went very well with the butterbur ◎

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