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ちゃけちゃー🍶🔰Suzune after a long time Sake that made me think sake tastes good for the first time 🍶. It was the first sake that made me think that sake could be good. Since then, I have tried several sparkling sake, but I have yet to find one that I like better than Suzune! It's mild, sweet, slightly sour and delicious! Not much aroma. Somewhat like "Himezen"? I want to drink it again: ★★★★★
ごぉにぃごぉWhen we went shopping last week, we stayed at Kami's parents' house, so we were accompanied by his wife's favorite tin sound. We went this way and that way. We stopped at a store that was a favorite of mine for a long time. We came home safely with our cold storage box full. I spent a lot of money on some unexpected items...
さしゅーGood evening, Go-ni-Go-san (^o^) Suzune! It's famous in Miyagi and sold in soup! It's delicious😄and the sake you purchased are all wonderful! I'm jealous of Kamerei!
ごぉにぃごぉGood evening, Sashiu-san. This is the only sake that my wife likes. We bought a lot of sake which is not available in Iwate. I didn't expect a bottle of Kamerei, but...
TactSuzune is with Pepe Tama. I'm not sure if the marriage was right. It is good because it was delicious.
香西 令A gift. Image of aperitif. I wonder if this is the first time for me to drink it. Sometimes, it's nice to have something light like this.
高崎It is very easy to drink with a low alcohol and fizzy taste. However, it also has a sake feel, which I found ideal for sake beginners. It is delicious.
SuzuneGALA 発泡純米純米発泡
酒のやまや 箕面外院店
ヤスベェBubble Festival ⑥ Today is the last day of work at my office 😀. Next year I'll be working again from the 3rd 😅 Bubbles festival ends today 😀. I'm opening 2 bottles at once today because they are small bottles 😀. The first bottle is a first time drinker, but I knew it by name before 😀. Ichinoseki is famous for its sweet sake, and this sweet and delicious fruity sake was gone before I had time to taste it 😅.
ポンちゃんGood evening, Yasube! Suzune is easy to drink and delicious 😊I was wondering about the pigmon in the back 🤣.
ヤスベェHi Pon 😀 It was my first time to taste Suzune and it was as delicious sparkling as they say 😀. But I was surprised to find that Pigmon was more fruity and tasty 😀.
ごぉにぃごぉIt's for the wife. They say it's the easiest to drink. Beef tongue for lunch in Sendai, the price had gone up a lot, though it is delicious. Then I went to the movies alone... Ghost in the Shell indeed, difficult content, but Osan 🥹 to the pity life of Ezaki Pudding.