Lon Ootani蒼空藤岡酒造京都府2015/6/20 15:23:512Lon Ootaniapparently all sake from Kyoto is supposed to be sweet. indeed it was sweet but i liked it.
Lon Ootani〆張鶴宮尾酒造新潟県2015/3/2 12:04:043Lon Ootaninice taste. perfect level of karakuchi. goes well with light fugu dinner.
Lon Ootaniばくれん亀の井酒造山形県2015/2/21 14:44:172Lon Ootania recommendation of the master here at this izakaya and definitely the driest i have ever tasted at +20
Lon Ootani百十郎蔵元林本店岐阜県2015/2/21 13:26:491Lon Ootania very nice dry sake. really enjoyed it. probably the driest ive had in a while at +12.
Lon Ootani国士無双高砂酒造北海道2015/2/4 11:15:265Lon Ootanireally balanced taste. mostly on the karakuchi side but a hint of sweet. ill definitely be looking for this one againLon Ootanifor me, it was my first experience with a sake from hokkaido.
Lon Ootani八海山八海醸造新潟県2015/1/24 13:05:151Lon OotaniFor me, its the quintessential sake of Japan. Indeed a true classic.
Lon Ootani東一五町田酒造佐賀県2015/1/16 13:10:072Lon Ootaniit hits you with a burst of sweetness. and after a few sips, it feels perfect.
Lon Ootani獺祭旭酒造山口県2015/1/10 11:52:273Lon Ootanitastes really good. hard to explain the taste but a tinge of sweet. and a clear taste.