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新潟 長谷川屋

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新潟 長谷川屋
Enjoy it to the fullest at the corner bar 🍶. My first impression was that it had a mild flavor that was refreshing yet full of umami. It was a refreshing yet strangely tasty sake that made me want to drink it again, and as the concept suggests, it was a sake that I never got tired of drinking.
Haneya純米吟醸 煌火純米吟醸生酒
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新潟 長谷川屋
Sake My Life
Kirabi The aroma is sweet and fruity, with a pleasant hint of acidity. The taste is soft on the palate, thick? Fluffy? Soft and fluffy. The impression is that the softness of the sake stands out, although it naturally has the feeling of being a pure sake. The acidity gives it a sharpness that makes it easy to drink. The overall impression is that it is a "soft nama-shu. It is expected that the sake will become dull if it is left for a little time. (Although letting it sit for a while is not the original way to enjoy nama-shu.) Since this sake is from Toyama City, I would definitely like to pair it with seafood. This time, I will enjoy it with simple sashimi. Tomorrow, I plan to enjoy it with simmered shrimp and hagi. We hope you enjoy it.
Good evening, Sake My Life😃. Kinka! We were impressed when we drank it outside and then drank it at home 🤗soft raw sake 🍶That's a perfect description👍.
Sake My Life
Good evening, Jay & Nobby! It's an amazing technique to get this softness in raw sake, isn't it? Keep up the good work Haneya 🧐.
Takachiyo59takachiyo CHAPTER ELEVEN 八反錦壱号純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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新潟 長谷川屋
59takachiyo's newest chapter, a new series brewed with M310 yeast, uses Yatanishiki Ichigo sake rice produced in Hiroshima Prefecture. It has a bubbly, bubbly aroma, a clean, crisp aroma, and a long, long finish, The aroma is clean and refreshing, The nose has a refreshing, cool, rummy, carbonated aftertaste, It is slightly sweet and has a low acidity, Slightly sweet, with a low acidity, it has a nice sharpness that makes you want to gobble it up! Chapter 11 of Gokutaka, Hachitan Nishiki Ichigo! Fruity and elegant, Fruity and elegant, crisp but also delicious. It is very juicy and delicious! At Niigata Hasegawa-ya, newly opened in front of Niigata Station! It's great that we can now buy Hishiko, Sharaku and Senkou in front of the station. === The bottle is made from rice. Ingredients:Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic) Rice: Hachitan-Nishiki Ichigo produced in Hiroshima Prefecture Polishing ratio: 59 Alcohol content: 16%. M310 yeast 1,815 yen for 720ml === ★★★★☆