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Kazenomori雄町 807/507純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Two types of "Kaze no Mori" brewed with Omachi, a popular sake rice that was reintroduced to the market! Compare two kinds of "Kaze no Mori" brewed with popular rice Omachi! @IMADEYA SUMIDA The three-digit number on the "Kaze no Mori" series is written in the first two digits. The three-digit number on the "Kaze no Mori" series indicates the rice polishing ratio in the first two digits, and the yeast number in the last digit. Therefore, the "Omachi 807/507" was an interesting comparison of "Kaze no Mori" brewed with the same rice and malted rice, to see what kind of changes the different polish would bring about.... Both have a melon-like (melon, etc.) base, and the fruity, chili-like, mouthwatering gasiness that is typical of Kaze no Mori tickles the palate. The aftertaste is soft and lingering, which is unique to Omachi rice, and gives the impression that this is an easy-drinking sake that is surprisingly thick. It is easy to drink but surprisingly thick. The difference is in the The 807 (*less polished, so the original rice flavor remains) has a more robust impression, with a stronger banana-like aroma and flavor. In comparison, 507 has a cleaner overall impression of 807, with a slight strawberry-like acidity and a slightly lighter finish. While it is hard to say which is better, I personally prefer 807. Which do you prefer? If you have a chance, please try the difference.
Sara朝涼み 特別純米 無濾過生原酒特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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The sake has a dense sweetness that is harmonized with a berry-like acidity, making it easy for even beginners to enjoy. What is impressive is that the complexity of sweetness, acidity, rice swelling like Kamishinko, and a subtle bitterness in the aftertaste are all neatly integrated in a single sip. The subtle gasiness is also pleasant on the palate. When you need a change of pace, It is recommended when you want to relax and feel positive.
AramasaNo.6 R-type ダイレクトパス
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A banana milk-like aroma that can be felt firmly. The taste is banana-like, linked to the aroma, but when you put it in your mouth, a mellow and elegant acidity spreads. The aftertaste is clean. The aftertaste is refreshing, but the subtle acidity that lingers in the mouth makes you feel a twinge of excitement and makes you want to pursue the true meaning of that feeling with the next sip. It is a sake with a charming character.
Daruma Masamune純米 ひやおろし純米ひやおろし古酒
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Gifu Prefecture's Tsunesuke Shiraki Shoten is well known for its aged old sake. Its representative brand, "Daruma Masamune," is available in a variety of series with different maturation periods, including premium aged sake that is 20 years old. This time we tasted "Daruma Masamune Junmai Hiyoroshi", which is made using a special process for old sake, but aged for less than one year. Although the aging period is roughly the same as that of ordinary sake, the difference can be clearly felt from the moment the bottle is opened. The aroma is rich, like that of dengaku miso or mirin (sweet sake). In the mouth, the dense sweetness and umami spread out, while the acidity is also well pronounced, making it a deep-flavored sake. It can be enjoyed at a variety of temperatures, from on the rocks to hot sake, but to fully appreciate its "mellow" flavor, it should be enjoyed at room temperature or lukewarm. It can be paired with a wide range of dishes, from strong-flavored meat dishes such as teriyaki or miso marinated meat, to the perfect adult dessert of vanilla ice cream. Warmed, it has the nostalgia of a hot wine, and its flavor can be expanded by pairing it with lemon and spices. This is a gem that you can enjoy as it slowly changes in flavor over time with TARUMA, which accompanies you in your daily life in many different situations.
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Toyama Prefecture is home to the Takazawa Sake Brewery's Junmai Sake. The ticket features a tasteful illustration by Michihiro Hori, an illustrator from the same prefecture. Characterized by a white wine-like citrus taste, It is a fairly light sake with a white wine-like citrus flavor. The secret is said to lie in the "acidity" created in the process of brewing using white koji instead of the yellow koji commonly used in sake brewing. The pairing is definitely more Western than Japanese. It seems to go well with simple savory dishes such as white fish carpaccio, olives, and pizza with fresh cheese. Cooled crisply in the afternoon on a sweaty, sunny day.
Suminoe純米吟醸 雄町純米吟醸
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Taken from the site: This is a small brewery with a capacity of about 1,000 koku, but it uses local soft water, yeast, and rice, The brewery uses local soft water, yeast, and rice, and the skills of the Nanbu Touji to create unique sake. It is gaining popularity as a sake with a strong regional flavor. Omachi" sake rice is the parent stock of such superior varieties as "Yamadanishiki" and "Gohyakumangoku. Omachi is a highly prized variety of sake rice that is the parent stock of such superior varieties as Yamadanishiki and Gohyakumangoku. Sake brewed with Omachi tends to have a strong and broad flavor. Sake brewed with Omachi tends to have a firm, broad flavor and is highly regarded. Sake brewed with Omachi rice tends to have a firm and broad flavor, resulting in highly regarded sake. The fresh and extended ginjo aroma adds to the flavor. The clarity and crispness that are typical of Suminoe are in perfect harmony. It is also a perfect food sake. Strength: 16.5 Rice: 100% Bizen Omachi Rice polishing ratio: 55 Sake meter: +3 Acidity: 1.6 Yeast used: Miyagi yeast Suminoe Shuzo, Miyagi Prefecture Suminoe Junmai Ginjo Omachi 1.8L
Akishika山廃純米 自営田山田錦 槽搾直汲純米山廃生酒無濾過槽しぼり
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Taken from the site: Taste, strong acidity, and spiciness! A perfect example of Akizuka's character! This sake is made from Yamada-Nishiki, which is grown organically without pesticides in our own rice paddies using a cyclical farming method. The strongly grown Yamadanishiki is polished at a low rice polishing rate of 70% and brewed using the Yamahai brewing method. It is bottled directly and unfiltered to maximize the power of nature and to fully enjoy the charm of the sake. The aroma is not so assertive, but has a slight sweetness and sourness. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel the richness of the rice! The rich umami of rice and the strong Akizuka acidity can be felt in the mouth. As is typical of Shoku-kumi, there is still a sense of gasiness. Thanks to the Yamahai method of brewing, the rice flavor has more mass, and when it fills the mouth, it is followed by the Akishika-like acidity. The acidity gives the sake a sharpness, but the greatest feature of this sake is that the rich rice flavor can be felt as a lingering aftertaste, and the spiciness can also be tasted. Not only is it rich, but the fresh spiciness, which is also characteristic of the sake directly pumped, invites you to drink the next cup. It goes well with food and is perfect for enjoying as a food sake. Please enjoy this bottle, which will become addictive once you drink it.