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Daruma Masamune純米 ひやおろし純米ひやおろし古酒
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Gifu Prefecture's Tsunesuke Shiraki Shoten is well known for its aged old sake. Its representative brand, "Daruma Masamune," is available in a variety of series with different maturation periods, including premium aged sake that is 20 years old. This time we tasted "Daruma Masamune Junmai Hiyoroshi", which is made using a special process for old sake, but aged for less than one year. Although the aging period is roughly the same as that of ordinary sake, the difference can be clearly felt from the moment the bottle is opened. The aroma is rich, like that of dengaku miso or mirin (sweet sake). In the mouth, the dense sweetness and umami spread out, while the acidity is also well pronounced, making it a deep-flavored sake. It can be enjoyed at a variety of temperatures, from on the rocks to hot sake, but to fully appreciate its "mellow" flavor, it should be enjoyed at room temperature or lukewarm. It can be paired with a wide range of dishes, from strong-flavored meat dishes such as teriyaki or miso marinated meat, to the perfect adult dessert of vanilla ice cream. Warmed, it has the nostalgia of a hot wine, and its flavor can be expanded by pairing it with lemon and spices. This is a gem that you can enjoy as it slowly changes in flavor over time with TARUMA, which accompanies you in your daily life in many different situations.