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I bought it again this year, I used to go to the sake brewery every year to buy it, But this year, I was too busy with work to go to the brewery, I remember that last year, the liquor store where I often buy sake sold it, So...., I visited there because it is close to my office, Are you going to put summer sake in this year? I ordered some, but it didn't come, The owner calls the brewery on the spot, The owner called the brewery on the spot. What's this year's? It's a little bitter, A little bitter? It doesn't linger, so I'll go for it, It's summer, It's eel bowl. If you buy eel on the day of the Ushi, it is expensive, so I saved the date, And I had accumulated points at the supermarket, Today, we had wine instead of beer. It is a wine made in Sera Town, the town of Ekiden. It has a strong grape flavor and is very tasty.
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I had something to do near Ono Sake Brewery, so of course I had to go there. I buy hiyaoroshi every year, but arabashiri? I've never had "arabashiri" before, This is the first time for me. Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'll drink it, This is delicious with melon aroma, flavor and freshness, On the first day, it was paired with Hormone Tempura, a regional class B gourmet, or rather class D gourmet, of Hiroshima. Yum, Delicious, No beer today.
OigameRED TURTLE純米吟醸中取り
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I enjoyed it so much when I drank it outside that I bought it for home. It has a sour taste because it is made with white koji. I didn't like it at all right after opening the bottle at home, just the sourness, but after raising the temperature range and letting it sit for a while, I came to like it a little more. Why is it that it is not perfect at home when I drank it myself and it was delicious?)
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The name "old turtle" is said to have originated from the name of a particularly old turtle among turtles, which is a symbol of good luck, and to pray for longevity. It has a slight mango aroma, and the attack is spicy-sweet, with a hint of sugar sweetness. It is full-bodied, with a hint of sourness after swallowing. When it rolls on the tongue, corn sweetness emerges. This is the 565th one-cup, one-pack festival.
OigameRed Turtle純米吟醸中取り
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Revisit the restaurant where we drank the day before. They asked me if I wanted the same Ame-go-Tsuki Ginpu Kou-tsuki. But since we were there, we ordered something else! This is another Hiroshima sake that I had been avoiding, The balance of sweet and sour was the best for me! I would like to buy a bottle for my home!
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It was purchased at a roadside station on the way back from touring, so I bought 300 ml. The effervescence is stronger than that of nigori sake made from the moon after the rain. The supernatant and the clearings will be mixed when you open the bottle, Well, let's drink it, It is a delicious sake with bitterness and umami. I have decided to drink one cup a day, but I drank all of it. That means it is a delicious sake, that's for sure. I checked and found a place where you can buy it without going to the sake brewery. I had to buy it. And today's beer was Kona Beer's Longboard. It was a tasty beer with a bit of bitterness. But my sense of taste is even more stupid due to my poor health, so I may not have understood it well.
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Sake lees soup with albacore and guts. Shoryu Horai for sashimi. Shoryu Hourai is brewed by Oyataka Sake Brewery (Kanagawa). It is just delicious!
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It was also sweet to the taste and dry through the throat, but more compact than the Sara Souki.
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It has the same flavor as nigori. However, since Nigori is alsobeige and this is junmai, you can still taste the umami of the rice, The flavor increases with time, and it is easy to pair with meals, Which is better? Both are good, This one is easy to drink, I'm not a fan of nigoromi, but I'm not a fan of sake, The beer is Kona Beer's BIGWAVE. It is a tasty beer with a weak citrus taste.
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This is the second stage of the drinking comparison. Summer Nigori, which we also purchased last year. It took me 10 minutes to open the bottle again this year, When you open the bottle, it tastes like soda and you can't stop drinking it, Then, by the second glass, you get used to it and the spiciness comes first. The spiciness comes first and then the umami, Ah, another summer is ending. And I enjoyed drinking it again this year.

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