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Brands from Fukugen Shuzo

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2100 Ikeda, Kitaazumi-gun, Nagano
map of Fukugen Shuzo
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リカーショップ おかやま
Purchased when I went to a tasting in Okayama It's dated April 24 and has been sitting in the store for quite a while, but according to the liquor store's social media when it arrived, it was originally aged for 3 years😅. The official website says that they want to continue to make a robust sake with great flavor even for only 2 out of 10 customers 😳. I guess their stance is that they don't need to be popular with everyone, but I wonder if that's okay from a business standpoint 🙄. It has a yellowish color. The top nose and the hint of aroma have a sense of maturity. It feels light, but the ripeness makes it feel heavier. There are orange and citrus flavors too 🍊. It has a strong sense of maturity, but when you open it, you can feel it's fresh, which is unusual. I don't know what freshness is 🤣. I'm curious to see what it tastes like when it's fresh. I don't find it too pungent, so if it's fresh, I might like it a lot 🤔. I know it's Nagano sake but I think it's a little different from what people imagine Nagano sake to be. I think it's similar to Reijin or Enki. If you put some aging on it, it might be a little bit similar 🤔. I don't know...
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Tasting at Liquor Shop Okayama (2) Not on the tasting list but special! A brand I had never seen or heard of before, Fukugen. It tasted a little different from the Nagano sake I've had before.
Ao, thanks for the tasting 😊. I'm sorry I found out you were with us 😢 You drank a lot more than just the list 😆 and you did a great job with your review 👍✨. This was a pretty robust Shinshu sake 😳
Good evening, Ponchan. I didn't realize you were here too 😰 until I left 😭. This drink really packed a punch 😰🤣😁😁.
Fukumoto参参参 三年跨ぎ純米大吟醸
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SAN SAN SUN A unique aroma of old sake in a fruity flavor. After the dry, umami taste, there is a slight sweetness. A little astringency. The old sake is mellowed by the coordination of water molecules around the alcohol molecules, which makes sense on the tongue. It is a very good sake that can be drunk smoothly. I would say it is a good introduction to old sake. I love it. It goes well with chocolate and nuts. Aeon limited. Produced by master sommelier Yutaka Takano (from Nagano Prefecture). It is a blend of 1, 2, and 3 year old Fukugen sake. I learned of its existence at a brewery opening a few years ago, and I'm hooked on it so much that I buy it every year. But it is expensive. The best time to buy it is when it goes on sale. I dare to buy it with a discount sticker.
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⭐︎3.8 Polishing ratio 59 Alcohol content 16 degrees Celsius There is a mild sweetness of rice, but soon comes a thick umami with sourness and bitterness. The opposite of "smooth" is "heavy. It tastes similar to Kikuhime. It also has a tangy taste. Let's wait and see. On the second day, the sweetness increases and the bitterness disappears, making it easier to drink, but the pungency remains strong and thick.
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3.8☆☆3.8 Rice polishing ratio 59 Alcohol content 16 degrees Celsius I met Fukugen when I stayed at a place called Saito Ryokan in Shirakone Onsen six years ago. It was the first non-Tohoku sake I had ever tasted (I just didn't know about it, now that I think about it), and no matter how much I looked for it in Tokyo, I couldn't find it, so I gave up and found it at an online store. I'm sorry for the long preamble, but it tastes clean and easy to drink. The aroma of rice comes on strong and quickly, followed by a mild sweetness that finishes with a spiciness. The aftertaste is quite dry. It is a little different from the impression I had 6 years ago, but it is still good.
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福源 蔵出し無濾過原酒 生酒 精米59%16度 安曇野の山奥にひっそりと良さげな蔵があった。 規模は小さい蔵だがど田舎のため建物はデカ広くて立派。大正時代そのままそっくり綺麗な形であるような感じ。 前にこの蔵の新しい試みである『88』という精米88%という商品を辛口評価であげている。あわせて読んでください。今回の『福源 蔵出し無濾過の生』はいかに。 一口目。あ、生酒らしいフレッシュ感。 そこからジューシーが溢れてきて旨みに包まれる。しっかりした味わいで流行りの甘さだ。 『88』のような臭み、雑味はもちろんなく蔵の看板商品にふさわしい。 あとから調べると、この商品は芳醇旨口酒ブームの前の淡麗時代から作られていたそう。そんなとこも高評価。みなさんに知ってもらいたい酒蔵の一つに挙げたい。 評価☆☆☆☆   20191216
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2018.5.5 長野駅内信州くらうどさんにて 利き酒 6種飲み比べした中の一つ。 前日に新潟の日本酒を知り、この日は長野のお酒。 それぞれの県や蔵で全然違うのが面白いと思った。 日本酒をもっと知りたいと思うきっかけになった。

Brands from Fukugen Shuzo

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We analyze the flavors based on everyone's comments and select similar brands.