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猿庫の泉 Flavor Chart

Brands from Kikusui Shuzo

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4293 Kanae, Iida, Nagano
map of Kikusui Shuzo
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Junmai Ginjyo Sarukura no Izumi Sarukura-no-Izumi, one of the 100 best springs in Japan, is used as the brewing water, and all rice is made from Miyamanishiki rice produced in Nagano Prefecture and polished to 55% by the company. This sake is fermented slowly at low temperature in Shinshu during the coldest season, and has a gorgeous ginjo aroma and a refreshing taste. Long tome, I bought it at a tasting sale at Mitsukoshi in Nihonbashi. Warmed, clear and dry, it was delicious. ★★★★
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A bottle for this year's New Year's celebration. It is a very refreshing sake. I would say it is more on the sweet side. The spiciness and aroma are light, and it has a soft and pleasant taste. This year was a fun year for me as I traveled around on my motorcycle, which is a hobby of mine, and bought sake from the places I traveled to. I hope to see many more sake next year. I hope to see many more sake next year. Thank you very much. Have a happy New Year! I received this as a tax return gift from my hometown in Iida City, Nagano Prefecture.
猿庫の泉純米吟醸 アルクマカップ純米吟醸
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The jackets were purchased in Nagano, Japan. It depicts "Alkuma," the PR character of Nagano Prefecture. Also, next to it is written "Don't drink too much! is written on it. I must be careful not to drink too much. It is one cup, but it is a little more than 200 ml. It tastes like a standard junmai ginjo-shu. The mild aroma and flavor gently spread. Fruity type. Slightly dry? There is no acidity, and it is well-balanced. It is moderately delicious.
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2022 0911 f i r s t a n d f o r m a t i o n s Sarukura no Izumi Junmai Ginjo One cup 200ml Polishing ratio 55 Kikusui Shuzo Iida City, Nagano Prefecture
猿庫の泉純米吟醸 カップキクスイ アルクマ
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It comes in a slightly larger 200ml bottle. It is drinkable for being sold in a souvenir shop. It has a little bit of an alcoholic smell, but it is a good sake to drink with your lunch on a train or bus trip. If you come to Nagano, try it for yourself!
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Nagano Souvenir Nice smell. Taste is tangy without being aromatic. It seems to go well with various meals. I met cream cheese and medium sweet miso (Yamabuki Daichan Brewing).
Second day The aroma has been transferred to the taste, doubling the flavor! It tastes even better than yesterday. With 10 yen sardines from Yamatsuru Fish Store!
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I received this as a gift from an acquaintance whose parents live in Iida, Nagano Prefecture. Speaking of Iida...it is a town of puppet theater, as people in the know know know. It is said that in the Edo period (1603-1868), Ryukei Sosho, a master of the Sokei-ryu Fuzou school of tea ceremony, searched for water suitable for the tea ceremony during his itinerant travels around the country. In 1985, it was recognized as one of the 100 best waters in Japan by the Ministry of the Environment. Junmai Ginjo "Saruko-no-Sen" is a beautiful sake brewed in the climate of Iida, Shinshu, using Miyamanishiki, a rice suitable for sake brewing produced in Shinshu, and water from this spring as the brewing water. Please enjoy the fragrant taste that can only be created by brewing with famous water. Sorry... I couldn't read "馥郁" and had to look it up. I couldn't read "馥郁" and had to look it up. I see... I was ignorant... I enjoyed it at room temperature when I opened the bottle, but the next day I chilled it well in the refrigerator. Whether at room temperature or chilled, it has a nice mouthfeel but leaves a robust flavor on the palate. It's a nice touch. I'm drinking it (laughs).
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I visited a sake brewery during a trip to Nagano and bought this. I was a bit worried because it was mainly dry. I bought a Japanese cypress Masu with it and drank it in the Masu, which was very flavorful.
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I just happened to find it in the produce section, so I bought some! They also had my favorite food, "Joppari", so I'm sure I'll be back✨. When I opened the package, I could smell the aroma of rice. When I smelled it closer, it became a little fruity and smelled like a ginjo aroma. In the mouth, there is no scent or taste. The touch is so light that it seems like water. Later, the richness of the rice comes out little by little. The aroma and aftertaste are also very light. It has a quiet taste that is very "Miyamanishiki" and is very easy to drink because it has no habits! In the sense that you can drink it easily, it makes sense that Alkma says, "Don't drink too much.
Good evening, stst! There are many different designs of one-cups. I can enjoy drinking it all. I've heard that Miyamanishiki is delicious and easy to drink😋.

Brands from Kikusui Shuzo

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