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Brands from Koshitsukano Shuzo

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1328 Bunda, Agano, Niigata
map of Koshitsukano Shuzo
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Yoyoizumi五頭の峰 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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Koshitsuka Sake Brewery Daitosen Gotou no Mine Junmai Ginjo This brewery is located in Agano City, Niigata Prefecture. Gohyaku-mangoku" malted rice produced in Niigata Prefecture Koji rice "Gohyakumangoku Kake rice "Koshiibuki 55% polished rice. Elegant and mild aroma, soft rice flavor It has an elegant and mild aroma, a soft rice flavor, and a pleasant taste. #Nihon-shu
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Hankyu Department Store (阪急うめだ本店)
The 23rd Hankyu Brewery Festival (2) Next was the first Koshitsuka Sake Brewery! Koshi Shuzo and Tsukano Shuzo merged and became Koshitsuka Shuzo. Tsukano Shuzo has a 200-year tradition, and Koshi Shuzo was founded in 1987 and won a prize at a sake competition the following year. It's a fusion of a traditional brewery and a talented up-and-coming brewery 😊. The brewery's yeast is called Tsukano yeast, which seems to be Association #5 yeast, but didn't it originate from Kamotsuru? I drank Gotou no Mine Junmai Ginjo It seems to be a local sake. It was a little mild and had a moderate sweetness. It tasted a little unique. Ai Saemu Sosen Junmai Sake made from Aizan. There were also Jun Dai and Aizan. I thought I would buy it if it was good, but I was a little concerned about its peculiar taste... I was going to buy it if it was good, but I was a little worried about its peculiar taste... Koshino Ajiwai Daiginjo Fruity and the sweetest of the breweries. Daiginjo-nama-sake Slightly heavy for a daiginjo, with a slightly viscous taste. I was going to buy a good one if there was one, but the others were too subtle, except for the Koshi no Ajiwai Daiginjo.
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281 1997/2 Daidai-izumi Nama-shu Junmai Junmai Namaisake 19-20° B Mizuharacho, Niigata 300 CTR It is good if it is a little lighter. From the Tsukano Shuzo era.
Yoyoizumi澱入り霞酒 大吟醸 生酒大吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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酒のやまや 新潟大学前店
Checking in at the 80th Niigata brewery in Sakegawa, Koshitsuka Sake Brewery Koshitsuka Shuzo was established in 1996 through the merger of Tsukano Shuzo, a brewery with a 200-year tradition in the former town of Mizuhara, and Koshi Shuzo, a brewery in the former city of Toei that has won more than 10 consecutive awards since its establishment as a brewery that only brews high-grade sake. It is said that the yeast from the historic Tsukano Shuzo brewery is also used as "Hiroshima No. 5 yeast" as an excellent yeast. The aroma is clean and refreshing, and the mouthfeel is mild and smooth. The mild mouthfeel is typical of nama-shu, and it has a crisp acidity and bitterness. It is dry with a crisp acidity and bitterness. The lees are faint. The flavor is gentle and mild. ===Raw ingredients: rice (domestic) Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewing alcohol Ingredient Rice:Niigata rice Rice polishing ratio: 48 Alcohol content: 15-16%. 1,430 yen per 720ml === The price ★★★☆☆☆☆
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It's our first one square bottle. This Junmai Ginjo-shu is brewed at a unique low temperature to produce an elegant ginjo aroma and a mouth-watering finish.
Yoyoizumi澱入り霞酒 大吟醸 生酒大吟醸生酒
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いつも利用している酒屋さんで、買いました。 大吟醸(精米歩合48%)で、千円台で売っていたので試しに買ってみましたが、香りといい、味といい、思いの外美味しかったので、コスパがいいと思いました。

Brands from Koshitsukano Shuzo

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