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立ち呑み処 よね屋

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Bijofu特別純米酒 しぼりたて生原酒特別純米原酒生酒
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立ち呑み処 よね屋
<Powerful flavor. The aroma is the sweetness of rice, the sourness of lactic acid and alcohol. In the mouth, there is a slight sourness and a slight carbonation. The umami comes from behind it. There is also a slight sweetness. Then, the aroma of alcohol and sourness goes through the nose. The lingering flavor lingers on the tongue for a long time. It is very powerful, but it is clean and free of miscellaneous flavors. It is a very typical Kochi sake. It's not Ghibli, but if I were to use an analogy, I'd say it's Haseo from "The Lord of the Rings". He is strong, manly, proud and cool. He also has a noble air about him. He is truly a beautiful man! The Lord of the Rings" is a novel based on the movie "The Lord of the Rings" and Mr. Hase'o was called "Strider" in the movie. It's Strider in the original language, so that's not a mistake. But for fans of the original novel who have grown up with Sadaji Seta's great translation since childhood and have read the book more than 20 times, it's still Hedao. Still, the movie was great. I saw it five times at the cinema when it was released, and I have the most expensive DVD. It's been a while since I've seen it! Satisfaction level: ★★★☆. I have a blog. If you'd like, please visit the link in my profile.
Ryozekihm55 純米酒 生 美山錦 ActⅣ純米吟醸生酒
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立ち呑み処 よね屋
Sweetness is justice! My favorite Ryoseki brewery. Hanamura, Ryoseki, Yukigetsuka, Rz55 and this hm55, everything I've had so far has been delicious. Right in the middle of my taste buds. The scent is a darker pear with a slight mint note. I'm just happy with this one. I want to smell it forever, but I still drink it with the momentum I've got from smelling it. Then, from the melt-in-your-mouth texture, pear, lychee, watermelon, and a slight green apple-like sweetness spreads gently. Behind the sweetness, you can taste the fruity sourness and umami. The aroma that fills the mouth is also happy. It's happy and satisfying in just a few sips, and the aftertaste is wonderful, so I spend quite a bit of time drinking a cup of it. I noticed that more than 40 minutes had gone by for a half glass. The restaurant closes, so I had no choice but to finish the drink. As time goes on and the temperature rises, the sourness stands up, but it's good too. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be the scene at the end of the dawn of "Earshot". It's sweet and beautiful and I want to savor it forever. Incidentally, this scene was modeled on the sunrise seen from Yomiuri Land. Satisfaction: ★★★★★
HououbidenBlack Phenix 純米吟醸 瓶燗火入純米吟醸
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立ち呑み処 よね屋
High quality and sweetness This is my first Black Phoenix. I love Phoenix Bida, but this one isn't readily available at the pub. I finally came across it! The aroma is almost imperceptible at first. The mouthfeel comes in smoothly, with a delicious soft sweet and sour taste. From there, the aroma, rather than the taste, is aromatic and delicious, spreading from mouth to nose. After a bit of time and as the temperature rises, the rice's sweet and tasty supercilious aroma emerges and the taste becomes much more distinct and sexy. Excellent! This is cold to store, but maybe room temperature is better for drinking. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, I'd say, hmmm, who is this classy sexy? It's not Ghibli, but what came to mind was a woman drawn by Osamu Tezuka. Simple lines, yet strangely beautiful curves. Speaking of Tezuka-sensei, I really like the story that 25 years after he died, a handwritten erotic painting came out of a locked drawer, and it was even more amazing than Keiichi Tanaka's painting. Google "pen and chopsticks Tezuka" and you'll find it. Satisfaction: ★★★★☆ . I have a blog. You can visit my blog from the link in the profile section if you like.
Sorry for the comment, Korune. I'm drinking my first Black Phoenix with my wife ^ ^ My wife loves Phoenix Bida too 😊.
Thank you for your comment, Manta😊. It's so delicious 😆.