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Bijofu特別純米酒 しぼりたて生原酒特別純米原酒生酒
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立ち呑み処 よね屋
<Powerful flavor. The aroma is the sweetness of rice, the sourness of lactic acid and alcohol. In the mouth, there is a slight sourness and a slight carbonation. The umami comes from behind it. There is also a slight sweetness. Then, the aroma of alcohol and sourness goes through the nose. The lingering flavor lingers on the tongue for a long time. It is very powerful, but it is clean and free of miscellaneous flavors. It is a very typical Kochi sake. It's not Ghibli, but if I were to use an analogy, I'd say it's Haseo from "The Lord of the Rings". He is strong, manly, proud and cool. He also has a noble air about him. He is truly a beautiful man! The Lord of the Rings" is a novel based on the movie "The Lord of the Rings" and Mr. Hase'o was called "Strider" in the movie. It's Strider in the original language, so that's not a mistake. But for fans of the original novel who have grown up with Sadaji Seta's great translation since childhood and have read the book more than 20 times, it's still Hedao. Still, the movie was great. I saw it five times at the cinema when it was released, and I have the most expensive DVD. It's been a while since I've seen it! Satisfaction level: ★★★☆. I have a blog. If you'd like, please visit the link in my profile.