たまかつUbusuna山田錦 二農醸Hananoka ShuzoKumamoto3/21/2025, 3:40:45 PM3/22/2025たまかつIt was the first time I knew that my birthplace was Kumamoto. It is just as I imagined it would be. A little gassy and sweet? I like it.Japanese>English
たまかつ加佐一陽CASARECCIOIkeda ShuzoKyoto3/21/2025, 3:28:22 PM3/22/2025たまかつI don't remember much because of the accident, but he was good. I don't remember much because of the accident, but I'm good,Japanese>English
たまかつKikuhime山廃純米生原酒KikuhimeIshikawa3/21/2025, 3:23:54 PM3/22/202518たまかつThis is my personal Yamahai. It is like this when it comes to Yamahai.Japanese>English
たまかつBiden山廃純米Mii no kotobukiFukuoka3/21/2025, 3:01:54 PM3/21/202516たまかつIt has a strong sense of Yamahai. It has a strong sense of "koji" (malted rice).Japanese>English
たまかつ神石高原生酛・木桶仕込みHiroshima3/21/2025, 2:31:29 PM3/21/202517たまかつThe aroma of wooden vats? I can feel the aroma of wooden vats. It is like brewed in a wooden vat or stored in a wooden vat.Japanese>English
たまかつ天吹生酛 純米大吟醸Amabuki ShuzoSaga3/21/2025, 2:28:15 PM3/21/202518たまかつIt's good, but could be a little more rice-like. It is said to be 40% Omachi, but I would like more Omachi-ness.Japanese>English
たまかつTanakarokujugoShiraito ShuzoFukuoka3/21/2025, 1:12:54 PM3/21/20252たまかつIt seems mellow and sweet.Japanese>English
たまかつ博多の森Kobayashi Shuzo HontenFukuoka3/21/2025, 10:47:38 AM3/21/2025博多もつ鍋処 梟〜FUKUROU〜14たまかつThe aftertaste is crisp and really dry. However, I would prefer a little more rice flavor, which is my recent preference. The impression is that it is too clean for 60%.Japanese>English
たまかつKitaya蒼田KitayaFukuoka3/21/2025, 10:13:24 AM3/21/2025博多もつ鍋処 梟〜FUKUROU〜13たまかつIt has a strong "food sake" feel. The rice polishing ratio is not written, but it is expected to be around 65% because of its mild rice flavor.Japanese>English
たまかつShigemasu博多一本〆 純米酒純米吟醸Takahashi ShotenFukuoka3/21/2025, 9:28:59 AM3/21/2025博多もつ鍋処 梟〜FUKUROU〜13たまかつStrong food wine feel. Slightly sweet, but doesn't interfere with food. I ran out before I realized it.Japanese>English