ikujozanJozan ShuzoFukui12/9/2022, 9:52:53 AM12/9/202215ikuClear and dry but fruity. Easy to drink and you will drink too much.Japanese>English
ikuTakesuzume竹雀大塚酒造Gifu11/6/2022, 10:25:53 AMマルコ19ikuThis is an old sake of Takejaku. It has a slight color. It feels dry.Japanese>English
ikuNiseko二世古Niseko ShuzoHokkaido11/6/2022, 10:23:03 AMマルコ15ikuIt has a high alcohol content of 17 degrees. It is very strong. After drinking it, you will be left with a faint sweetness.Japanese>English
ikuAkabuAkabu赤武酒造Iwate11/6/2022, 9:33:53 AM11/6/2022マルコ19ikuVery fruity It can be drunk smoothly.Japanese>English
iku福八80Akita10/17/2021, 11:38:43 AM10/17/20212iku Ingredients:Rice(Akita Prefecture) Rice malt (Akita rice) Rice polishing ratio: 80%. Alcohol content:15 degrees Supervised by Joel RobuchonJapanese>English