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Shirataka伊勢神宮崇敬会謹製 御神酒本醸造生酛
Rafa papaShirataka Goshinshu (Sake) I went to Ise Jingu ⛩️ I bought some sake. I would have bought it but I don't have a altar 😅... I don't feel comfortable drinking it 😁. But I heard it's good for you if you drink it... I heard it's better to drink it as soon as possible... I opened the bottle at 5️⃣0️⃣ 0️⃣CI 🤣. It's a Shirataka Aomatsu Honjozo made from the original brewing process. The taste is "sweet and spicy pin". The moment I felt the sweetness... I knew this sake was going to be spicy... After swallowing it, you will feel a sharp sharpness. It's very tasty without being boring 😋. My wife said it was surprisingly good... God is going to be mad at me🤣. Breakdown of 500 143 bottles 324 four-pack bottles 500ml 3 bottles 300ml 7 bottles Onecup 9 bottles Drinking outside 14 Total amount of alcohol consumed at home ⚖️ 495,900ml🤣 I'd describe it in terms of eyes... Female American Bison🦬. Almost the same weight 😳‼ At 200, I'm at 210,200ml. Itsu-no-jo (Sumo wrestler) At 400, at 398,400 ml. Big male Ezo brown bear 🐻. I'm not up to my target whale. Not quite there yet... 🐋🙄.
やんGood morning, Rafa papa! Congratulations on your 500 check-ins 🎉㊗️🎊 I never thought of the number of check-ins with sake 😳 I hope you have good luck 😁. As always, your breakdown analysis 🧐 is top notch 👏.
うまいうまいRafa, congratulations on your 500 check-ins㊗️ 🎊Congratulations on your sacred check-in 🎊and on reaching the female American Bison🦬⁉️ powerful 🤣Good luck with the bison momentum, and enjoy the next 600 🎉!
boukenRafa Congratulations on 500 check-ins🎊🎉! It's a divine feeling to be the last one to drink sake 😌It's always interesting to compare the amount you drink to an animal 🤣.
パパゴンGood morning Rafa papa 😃. 500 check-ins🏅. Congratulations 🪭😄 I hope you have a good time and good luck with the sake 😃. I didn't know you could buy Goshinzake 😄. And it's delicious 😋 I'm learning a lot!
まえちんGood morning, Rafa papa 🌅😀😀 Congratulations on your 500 check-ins 🎊㊗️ Kiri number is the sacred wine 😚👍I can see Rafa the sake god on his bison🦬🤣.
ひるぺこGood morning Rafa, congratulations on your 500 check-ins ㊗️🎊Oh well the sake was for this 💡 stone! It's also great that it's the same amount of alcohol as the American Python 😆👍.
ことりRafa papa ㊗️500CI congratulate you 🎊The comparison of the analogy is excellent 🤣The power of the sacred wine will bring you more luck with sake than ever before 🤭and luck in life: ⤴️
麺酒王Hi Rafa papa 😃 Congratulations on your 500 check-ins 🎉. You've evolved to a bison 🐂❗I'm looking forward to seeing what your next 600 check-ins will be 🎵
ヤスベェRafa papa Sawa, hi 😀 Congratulations on your 500 check-ins ㊗️🎊 You are the sake god, Rafa papa, for your choice 😇 May you have more and more luck with sake 🙏.
ポンちゃんCongratulations Rafa on your 500 check-ins: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I was looking forward to see what you would be drinking 😊Goshinshu 😳I am indeed a sake god 🙏✨I also look forward to each weight 😆 and that's a lot of bottles: ‼️
ねむちRafapapa, congratulations on your 500 check-ins 🎊🎉🎉You are indeed a sake god ⛩You will surely have more and more luck in commemorating this milestone with your sake 😆Please keep sprinkling your blessings on us too 🤣.
ジェイ&ノビィHi Rafa papa 😃 Congratulations on reaching 500 in Bison🦬 at ㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️ 🎉Thanks for the blessings on the salmon crocodile 😌. 'Surprisingly good' I think we would say the same thing 😁.
エースGood evening Rafa papa! Congratulations on your 500 check-ins 🎊㊗️🎉Congratulations on your 500 check-ins 🎊㊗️🎉Bon voyage of good fortune 👏‼️ number of check-ins 🍶I'm impressed that you calculated the number of check-ins 👍It weighs as much as the racehorse Mihono Bourbon 🤣.
マルCongratulations to Rafa on your 500 check-ins ㊗️🎊 American Bison 🦬😳You've been drinking 🤣. 500 by the God of Sake for the Goddess of Sake, thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏. Keep up the good work 🤣
ぼうすけRafa, congratulations on your bison🦬 conquest🎊! I didn't know you counted that way😁. Looking forward to 600 more 😊. May the sake bring you good luck 🙏.
さしゅーRafa papa Good evening (^o^)Congratulations on 500 check-ins✨The data of 500 check-ins is very interesting, isn't it? I know it was hard to do the math 😅I love the commemorative sake and Shirataka's sacred wine. It's nice!
九蔵Good morning, Rafa 🍶. 500 check-ins: ㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️㊗️ That's the Sake God ⛩️ Next up: Sperm whales🐳?    Blue whale🐋 ? I'm looking forward to it 🍶 Shimonoseki now 🍶.
えりりんHello Rafa papa! Congratulations on 500 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 The analogy is too funny! Let's keep drinking healthy until you reach your goal 🐳.
Rafa papaThank you, Yann 😊. I bought some sake for Kiri number, but if I miss Kiri number, I won't have a chance to drink Goshu... 😅 sorry for the breakdown, it's just one pattern 😁.
Rafa papaUmmm, thank you 😊. I thought the American bison🦬 is bigger than the Ezo brown bear🐻 because 400 and 500 are not much different... 🙄 I think the next one is a male American bison🤣
Rafa papaThank you bouken 😊 Will you have more luck with alcohol 😳⁉️ it's going to be fun 🤣It's surprisingly difficult to find animals in 100kg units 😁.
Rafa papaThank you Papagon 😊 It was my first time to buy gojinshu too 😁I couldn't help but buy it since it was sold at the place where they sell good luck charms and such 😅It tasted good too 😋.
Rafa papaMaechen thank you 😃 It's a bit scary to straddle a bison😱I'm afraid I'll be swung off and trampled 😭It would be nice to have a drink on my back 😁.
Rafa papaThank you very much, Hirupeko! I didn't buy it for this 😅I bought it casually because it was on sale and I didn't have a chance to drink it... I also bought a sake for Kiri number, but it became a sacred sake in a hurry🤣.
Rafa papaThank you Kotori 😊 The American bison was a bit of a pain 😅The Ise shrine had a solemn atmosphere that seemed to bring me luck 😌I hope this year will be a good one 🙄.
Rafa papaThank you very much, Noodle Wine King 😊. 500 was a female American Bison 🦬 so I think 600 is a male American Bison 🦬 😁500 and 600 are not much different 😅...
Rafa papaThank you Yasbaye 😊. The sake was delicious as well 😋Please give it a try 😌I hope you have good luck with sake 🙄.
Rafa papaThank you Ponchan 😊 I had prepared a bottle of Kiri sake, but it turned out to be a sacred sake 😁The weight has increased by exactly 100kg each 😌I can't quit the bottle...maybe it will increase in the future 🙄.
Rafa papaThank you, Nemuchi 😊. I just went to Ise shrine and drank some sake, but I feel like I'm doing something good and getting lucky 😁I'd like to sprinkle some good luck on everyone if there is any 🤣.
Rafa papaThank you Jay and Nobby 😊. I hope the sake crocodile brings you good luck 🤣I'm not strong enough on my own so let's all drink sake together👍'Surprisingly tasty'...I think it's honest but if you say it out loud you'll be punished 🎯.
Rafa papaThank you Ace 😊. I did a lot of research and racehorses were on my list of candidates 😌 they are surprisingly heavy 😁 but they look smart and don't look heavier than brown bears 😅I was very confused this time 🤣.
Rafa papaThank you Maru 😊. I started this because I wanted to express the amount I drank visually, but I've never seen an American bison 🦬 so I can't imagine the opposite... 😅I hope the sake will bring you good fortune 😌.
Rafa papaThank you very much, Bousuke 😊. I've been keeping an Excel file of all the drinks I've had so I can get the quantity right away 😁I'd like to express it in other weights but brown bears🐻 and bison🦬 aren't much different 😅... 😅
Rafa papaThank you Sashiu 😊. I have the data attached, but Excel does the calculations for me... 😁I'm glad I chose this number because I rarely drink sake 😊I wish you all the best of luck... 😌.
Rafa papaThank you, Kyuzo 😊 Whale🐋 is my goal... but not for the time being 😅I have to be as good as bouken or even better... 🤣
Rafa papaThank you Erin 😊 You have to be healthy to drink up to a whale 🐋😁😁I don't know what to compare it to because it's still far from a whale 🤣.
ジャイヴCongratulations on your 500 check-ins, Rafa 🎉! You must have emptied most of the bottles because there are only a few out of the 500 😲. It seems like a lot to think that in total you drank as much alcohol as a cow 😁.
アラジンCongratulations to Rafa papa for 500 check-ins㊗️🎊🎉🎊㊗️ It's a celebration like the Sake Gods to celebrate the "Kiri Number" with sake 😁It looks like this BY will bring you more and more benefits 😄. Let's work hard every day to be a drunken whale someday ☺️
つぶちゃんGood evening, Rafa! Congratulations on your 500th check-in ㊗️🎉🎊Congratulations on your 500th check-in 🎉🎊You visited Ise Jingu Shrine and purchased the sake that made you reach this milestone, you are the Sake God ✨I'm sure you will be blessed with a lot of hard-to-find sake 🙌
Masaaki SapporoRafa papa, thank you as always 👍Congratulations on the 500 check-ins 🎉It sounds auspicious to be a Kiri number with the sacred sake purchased at Ise Jingu ✨.
Rafa papaThank you Gyve 😊. I don't remember drinking out of the house so I don't post the basics 😅I started this hoping I could express the quantity in some way but 🐻 and 🦬 aren't much different 😅.
Rafa papaThank you Aladdin 😊 Drunken whale🐋... 😳⁉️ that's good... I got it🤣 but how many years will it take me to reach it... 🙄
Rafa papaThank you, Tsubuchan 😊. The sake bought at the Ise shrine is very special 😌 I'm trying not to chase after the hard to find species this year 😁 don't chase after the sake that isn't there...don't reject the sake that is there...that's the theme for this year 🤣.
Rafa papaThank you Masaaki Sapporo 😊. I feel like I did something good when I bought a bottle of sake at Ise Jingu, even though I didn't do anything 😁It seems like a good omen, so I'll make sure to accumulate virtue elsewhere 😌.
T.KISORafa papa, sorry for the delay, but congratulations on your 500 check-ins🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉㊗️🎊 I can't wait to see your usual drinking analogy (lol). Whale 🐳 is tough to switch to only one bottle 😅.
ルテルテミRafa papa Congratulations on your 500 check-ins 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 I think that the number of the sacred sake at Ise Jingu Shrine will be very beneficial for your sake luck from now on. The weight analogy is very interesting 😆.
Rafa papaThank you T.KISO 😊 If I drink a bottle at the same pace as a quart bottle it would be 2.5 times faster but my body can't handle it... 🥲 but still a whale🐋 is far away 😅...
Rafa papaThank you Lutertemi 😊. I hope it's not only good luck for drinking but for all things 😌I guess I'm being too greedy 🤣.
@水橋Rafa papa, belated congratulations on 500 check-ins 🎉㊗️ I love Ise Jingu Shrine and Goshinshu. I haven't been there for a while, so I'd like to make an opportunity to visit!
Rafa papaThank you @Mizuhashi😊 I don't know when I've been to Ise shrine too 🙄 My sister-in-law came to visit and I took her 😌 I feel like my body and soul will be washed by the solemn atmosphere👍.
ゆーへーRafa, congratulations on your 500 check-ins 🎉. So it's Shirataka inside: ❗️ I was surprised to see you drank more than 100 bottles 👀. I want to be an adult who can drink one brand ✨.
Rafa papaThank you Yoohee 😊. I heard it's Shirataka inside 😌😌I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to drink Shirataka Honjozo when I found it 😁I didn't know I'd come to drink so much Yongboto since I originally bought only Ichimasu bottles 😅....
遥瑛チチGood morning Rafa papa 😃. I know I'm late but congratulations on your 500 check-ins ㊗️🎊🎉! I also visited Ise Jingu shrine last year and bought one, and I have the same impression. I think it's a nice choice and the bowl is very picturesque 👍.
Rafa papaThank you Haruei Chichi 😊. Ise shrine is a very fascinating place with a solemn atmosphere... I haven't been there for a long time and I'm glad I went 😌I bought the sacred sake but I couldn't drink it without a chance to drink it, so I had to go back 😅...