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I was drinking it well and my daughter offered me a taste. So we took a picture together. That's all. Tomorrow we are going on a family trip. It's a reward for working hard for six months.
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Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture. Kawashima Sake Brewery Co. Matsu-no-hana Shojo no Mai Junmai Daiginjo Yes, this is "Matsunohana". It is a little expensive sake, but I did not buy it by myself. I am quite happy to receive sake that I don't often buy for myself. I opened the bottle remembering that Kunihiko Mitamura went to Kawashima Sake Brewery in a TV program. I had it cold. The color is clear with a yellowish tinge. The top aroma is sweet and fruity with considerable depth. It is a scent that I quite like. The palate feels sweet on the tongue. As it spreads on the tongue, it is richly sweet and full-bodied, like ripe fruit. The rich, full-bodied sweetness is followed by a gradually bitter taste. The bitter bitterness lingers for a long time. The price is a little high, but it has a good balance of elegance, sweetness, and bitterness. After passing the throat, it has a modest sake taste, but it is not unpleasant. It has a strong flavor that I liked. Ingredients:Rice(domestic),Rice Koji(domestic) Alcohol content: 15%. Polishing ratio: 65
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Yamadanishiki Polishing ratio 40 Junmai and Ginjo are made with Tamakae, but Daiginjo is made with Yamadanishiki The Daiginjo class tends to use Yamadanishiki, which is a common pattern. According to the brewery's explanation, it is aged for one year. It has a gorgeous ginjo aroma and an interesting taste with umami from the aging process. It is a versatile type that can be drunk with food or on its own. I am glad I bought it even though it is a little expensive. It is quite bitter and spicy towards the end, but the ginjo aroma lingers in the aftertaste. I think the label could be a bit more cluttered 🤔.
Hi bouken, I mentioned the label when I first talked to the brewer 😁 but I haven't tasted the Junmai Daiginjo 🤔I have a copy of Matsu no Hana [Shojo no Mai] in my room that I got as a gift but it's left at room temperature 😅.
Hi Nemuchi 😃 I thought if they were going to go national, this label would be a tough sell 😅I don't think they're going to do that 🙄. That's a pretty good sake 😳I heard it's a -4 sake but I wonder if it's sweet 🤔.
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Fresh, gassy and delicious! After a few days, it is complex and enjoyable with umami and a slight astringency. I knew new sake was good. Spring has come!
Matsunohana限定品 しぼりたて本醸造原酒生酒無濾過
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I bought a bottle the other day at Kobe Hankyu. While it was my first brand, I am sure that it is a sake from Takashima, Shiga! So, I bought it. And it's "Noto Toji" ✨✨. I went home and opened the bottle after being happy with the one cup of Shinkame 🐢 I just had. The entrance aroma is thick and acidic, like whipped cream. There is also an aroma of rice like sweet Kamishinko. In the mouth, the soft and gentle sweetness of rice spreads gently on the thick acidity at the entrance, and at the same time, the crisp and dry acidity slowly follows to the finish. The sharpness gradually spreads, with no unpleasant bitterness at all and a clear acidity. This is extremely delicious! I thought it might be one of the sweet, delicious, clean types that have been popular in recent years, but from the mid-palate to the finish, it has a wonderful balance of acidity and a nice bitter sharpness. This mid-palate umami and the wonderful sharpness of the finish seem to go well with almost any home-style Japanese food. I thought it would go well with meat and potatoes, komatsuna and fried bean curd, or any other dish that uses dashi (Japanese soup stock), but when I looked in the fridge, I didn't see anything of that sort 😆😆😆. But this is really great. The temperature rises a bit to almost room temperature, which is a wonderful temperature range because you can feel the flavor of the rice even more ✨.
Matsunohana純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Kawashima Shuzo Pine Blossom Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Nama Sake The brewery is located in Shin Asahi-machi, Takashima City, Shiga Prefecture. The rice is polished to 40% Yamadanishiki, contract-grown rice in Shiga Prefecture. It has an elegant and gentle aroma and a gentle rice flavor, The taste is soft, rich, and deep. #Sake
Matsunohana特別純米 平和堂今津店30周年特別記念ボトル特別純米
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Pine Blossom Special Junmai Heiwado Imazu 30th Anniversary Special Commemorative Bottle Firmly flavored type. It has a standard sake-like taste with rice sweetness and graininess. It can be served at any temperature, but I personally recommend heating it up. It has a full, deep flavor.
Pine Blossom I forgot to take a picture. It tastes like old-fashioned sake. It has a slight sweetness of rice. It is mellow. The pungency of the alcohol is also felt. The impression is that it has a stable taste, neither too much nor too little. Since it is inexpensive, it might be good to keep it at room temperature for when you want a quick drink.

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