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bapAt a presentation and tasting of product ideas from young breweries in Ibaraki Prefecture One of the four participating breweries Sake with the theme of effective use of thinned wood Junmai sake made from 70% polished Hitachi-Nishiki rice Soak wood chips from thinning for a few days to add aroma to the sake and drink it while feeling the forest. Ibaraki's forest, hence Ibafore. It's a groundbreaking idea. They sell it as a set with sake and a piece of wood. You can enjoy two kinds of sake, one made from cypress and the other from cedar. The one served this day was soaked for 3 days. It has more than enough aroma. The smell of cedar and hinoki is very obvious! The cedar is more fruity and refreshing. The cypress has a nice aroma that blends well with the sake. Both are refreshing and light to drink. Unexpectedly interesting project Guest Shinya Tasaki commented, "I think it will be a hit at hot spring resorts. I would like to buy a set and drink it while enjoying the difference in aroma.
goyara24It is the season for cherry blossom viewing. This sake is refreshing but has a gentle sweetness in a rice-san rice-san way.
IppinSABA de SHU (サバデシュ)
ゆう🎶🐟. The day before we went to Mito Kairakuen🌸, we stopped by I made love to him at "Ibaraki Jizake Bar Mito". I saw it at Sake-no-wa I was quite curious about it. I was quite curious about it since I saw it at Sakewa, but the label and the mackerel are gold 😳🤔🤩. After Saba (38). 1 out of 380 bottles They say it's a gold mackerel label 🎊🎉🙌😆. The label reads  Saba sake for mackerel   It can be served with various mackerel dishes such as vinegared mackerel, grilled mackerel   Please enjoy it with various mackerel dishes.   Please enjoy it with various mackerel dishes. It is written, "Enjoy with various mackerel dishes. First, a sip by itself✨ Refreshing and slightly dry. It's easy to drink, but it's not enough somehow 🤔. but somehow it's not enough 🤔. After eating grilled mackerel I'll try to drink Sabadesh after eating grilled mackerel... I see... ˃˃ ⁾⁾ ♬♬*゜ It washes away the fat of the mackerel mackerel -> sake -> mackerel -> sake... and so on... Endless loop ♾😆😆. Great with fatty mackerel ⤴︎⤴︎⤴︎👍✨ I'm going to try the mackerel with the sashimi too 😋. I bought natto rice crackers, natto chipotle, etc. at Mito station I bought them and made love to them
マナチーYu🎶, good morning ☀You had a great time in Mito 😆❗️ By the way, if you want natto, I recommend natto soboro (fermented soybeans), although it needs to be refrigerated 😉 Try it when you come back next time 😋.
遥瑛チチHi Yu🎶😃 I had a drink in Ikebukuro last year ❗️ I learned then for the first time that Ibaraki is a mackerel producing area... I'm learning a lot when I'm doing sakewa👍.
ゆう🎶Hi Manachie 😊 I enjoyed Mito with Kairakuen garden, local sake bar, anko-zushi, and Hitachiniku beef 😆👍 Soboro natto seems to be sold at an antenna store in Ginza, so I will buy it next time 😋😋.
ゆう🎶Hi Chichi 😊 I see that Ibaraki prefecture has the largest mackerel catch in Japan 🥇I also learned about it for the first time 😅I'm learning a lot of things about sakewa, and I'm enjoying the sake I want to taste, food, and places I want to visit more 😊.
えりりんYu🎶chan konbanhā 🥺. I was looking for this but couldn't find it 🥺. I often catch mackerel so I wanted to try to match it once 🐟. But the reviews made me think I drank it 😁.
ポンちゃんHi Yu🎶, ☀️ It's delicious, but it's also a good omen that you got the gold label ✨You had a lot of fun in Ibaraki 😆👍.
ゆう🎶Hello Eririn, ☀️ Mackerel is delicious in any dish 😋 I bet the mackerel you caught yourself tastes exceptional 😍 I would love to see Erin's review of that mackerel and saba desu marinated 💕.
ゆう🎶Hi Pon, ☀️ I was curious about this sake and it has a gold label so I jumped on it 😆 I know this makes it seem less rare, but I heard that March 8 was Saba day and they shipped a lot of it so all the Saba Desh in the store had gold labels🤣.
ゆう🎶🌸 The day before going to Mito Kairakuen Lunch at Anko Sushi →Ibaraki Jizake bar →and dinner here 💁‍♀️ We decided to eat something local. We went to a restaurant that serves steak and hamburger steak made from Hitachiniku beef 🍴. I didn't see any sake on the menu... I looked at the drink menu. I looked at the drink menu and saw that they had "delicious local sake in a wine glass"! 😳😆😍😍There was a "delicious local sake in a wine glass"! 😳😆😍😍 🌾100% Miyamanishiki from Ibaraki Prefecture On the menu Delicious with a glass of wine    Sake Award Gold Prize Winner" 🏅. Great! Gentle flavor spreads softly. Slightly bitter. Slightly dry. It went well with the food 😋.
ゆかちんYu🎶, good morning 😃your food looks delicious✨I've never seen this sake before, but I didn't know it won a gold medal 😳There's really a wide variety of sake!
マナチーGood morning, Yu🎶, good morning to you ☀The hamburgers here are delicious ☺️ but you know it well 👍. I never had an image of a good glass of wine for one dish, I'll try it next time 😉.
ゆう🎶Good evening, Yuka-Chin 🌙 I was looking for sake while looking at the drink menu, thinking "We don't have any sake"...isn't that funny 🤣 These were the only two types of sake available, but they went well with the food 😋.
ゆう🎶Good evening, Manachie-san 🌙 Manachie-san knows about this place and I went there after reading ❣️ Rurubu ♬ I loved the stylish restaurant and the food was delicious 😋 Thanks to Manachie-san's review of Jizake Bar that inspired my trip to Mito 😉.
スワカフェFor cheap and tasty drinks 🍶✨. This time from Ibaraki Prefecture 🍶Yoshikubo Sake Brewery 🎶. Ippin Hatsushibori Nigori Junsei Sake Alcohol content 17%. Rice polishing ratio 65 Sake degree -11 We enjoyed it so much the last time we drank it that we bought it again 🎶. It is thick, silky and smooth 😋 It has a sweetness so I like to drink it with soda to refresh my taste buds 🎵. I will buy it again when the weather gets colder 😁.
マナチーIt's a nice day today. I'm here at Kairakuen. The early plum blossoms are gone and the late blooming ones are in full bloom. You can enjoy both the snowstorm and the plum blossoms in full bloom🎶. The smell of plum blossoms in the air is amazing😍. Now, here is a sake from Mito👍 Generally, if you order sake in Mito city, you will get one of these: ☺️ I drink it with pickled plums while looking at plums at the Ume Festival: ✌️ It has almost no aroma and is easy to drink with a watery and dry taste. It's fun to drink it with a pinch of ume and a sip 👍 Well, it's nice and warm today! By the way, they often say that when it gets warm, perverts come out, but I saw a blatantly weird old man 🤣. At least not the ones with their hands in their pockets and moseying around violently 🙅You guys shouldn't do that either: ❗️ It's already spring 🌸 What? I'm getting some stares too👀. I'm just an old man sitting alone on a bench sucking on a pickled plum and drinking a cup...? That???? Yeah???? I'm a pervert too... ⁉️⁉️
つよーだいHi 😆Manachie, you're not Kairakuen, you're Kairakuen 🤣🤣.
のちをManachie-san Hello, I'd like to have a drink with pickled plums while looking at the plums. It is very elegant, isn't it? You are young, but what you are doing is very old. Is it actually the second time around in your life? I think you have been a weirdo since the first week, haven't you?
ジェイ&ノビィHi Manachie 😃. Plum blossom viewing sake at Kairakuen 🍶 sounds good 😊. It's a normal and enviable sight in the sakéwa world 🤗 Generally speaking... But I think it's good to have diversity👍
マナチーHi Tsuyodai 😃Kairakuen is nice ❗️ I'll go to Mito's Daikoumachi when I'm drunk 🤣.
マナチーHi Nochi...if it's the second week of my life I want to be richer 🤣I want to play and live 😂. What? I'm a gentleman, not a pervert😳
マナチーHi Jay & Nobby 😃 plum wine is the best 😆. Diversity... hey... am I more of an outlaw 🤣⁉️
ジークじこんGood evening, Mr. Manachie 😃. Sake 🍶 is the best while watching plum blossoms 👍 I would love to see the plum blossoms at Kairakuen at least once😍.
マナチーGood evening, Sieg Jikon-san. ☺️Kairakuen's plum blossoms are planted in a nice variety from early bloomers to late bloomers, so it's always a good time to see them 😳I'll show you around when you visit, by all means. ❤️
T.KISOHi Manachie 😊 I'm looking at pickled plums (Polish ** Polish) and one cup while looking at plums (lol). Nice 💕︎🤣
マナチーT.KISO, good evening 🌇I enjoyed the plum 😆👍The not too sour ume goes very well with sake😳. This year there were as many visitors as in front of Corona 😆❗️
エースGood evening, Mr. Manachie 🎶! What a nice way to enjoy the pickled plums and sake 🍶 while watching ume blossoms! What a stylish and witty review👍! As long as you don't act suspiciously, you'll be fine: 🙆‍♂️ I'll have to make sure I don't fall off the wagon with the sake 🤣.
マナチーAce, good evening ❗️ plum many good reviews 😆👍 Don't worry, I didn't stick my hand in my pocket at least 🤣.
ジークじこんThank you, Manachie 😊. I have always wanted to visit Kairakuen, one of the three most famous gardens in Japan, when the plum blossoms are in bloom 😆. Please let me know when you do. 🙇‍♂️
デューク澁澤⭐︎ Hello, Manachie. One cup outside on a nice day. It's great. It's Kairakuen, so it must have stood out or something. Are you an old man? You are a young man, aren't you?
マナチーHi Duke 😃. It seems the average old man line in the world is 39 years old🤣 so I'm almost an old man myself 😨. I don't see anyone drinking one cup on a bench alone 🤣 everyone drinks in the concession stand 😳
デューク澁澤↑↑↑ Wow, you've been there that long? You looked like you were in your early 30's 😁.
デューク澁澤↑↑↑ Wow, you've been there that long? You looked like you were in your early 30's 😁.
マナチーDuke, you are not that young at all😱.