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Kirinoto純米酒 レアな26年物
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モロツヨシ 本厚木店
Sixth drink. Too much drink? (*^^*) 26 years old. Unintentionally almost the same age as my 27 year old daughter. lol I have to drink it. ❗️(*^^*) The lees are the color of old wine, surprisingly tart, and the aftertaste is withered bitterness! Delicious.
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The rice used is Gohyakumangoku and something else. The name sounds like something out of a Seicho Matsumoto novel. But it was recommended by the liquor store, so I bought it without hesitation! I thought it would be a light and dry sake typical of Niigata, It was mild on the palate with a hint of sweetness. It had a mild mouthfeel with a hint of sweetness and a crisp aftertaste, and the balance was very good. It was a good quality sake at a reasonable price. ❣️
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Ponshukan Sweet Drink Comparison Set. Sweet and tasty! It makes you feel relaxed. The label is cute too. I can't find a post with the same label...? ☆☆☆☆
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It is a typical Niigata sake with a light, dry taste. We served it cold first, but it might be better to let it approach room temperature a little to let the rice flavor come out and be appreciated.
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Rice polishing ratio: 60 This sake is called "Nurukan Jyukkozo," but it is better to drink it at 40 or 50 degrees Celsius. At 40℃, acidity is a little strong. At 50℃, a little good. It's recommended to drink this at 40°C or 50°C At 40℃ the acidity was pretty strong But at 50°C, it was perfect!
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This is a regular sake from a brewery in Tsunan Town, Niigata Prefecture, known for its heavy snowfall. What makes this sake so special is its smooth texture! It is made with the same ultra-soft water as my favorite Famima PB "Tsunan no Naturamizu". This is one of the bottles that taught me that the difference in water can make such a difference in the way it feels on the palate. It has a dry taste and a smooth throat. The dry taste, the smoothness of the throat, and the feeling of being left with only a lingering aftertaste will whet your appetite for more! Also, the name "Fog Tower" is fantastic and cool. This is one of my favorite breweries. I've visited it several times.
▪️Miri no To...Tsunan Jozo Co. Junmai Ginjo 50% polished rice al15〜16 Omotesando Shokurakuen Buy for home Since I was drinking this sake before April 2017 when I started using the app to record the label image and the date I drank it, I've uniformly set the date I drank it as 2017/04/01 for a while.

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