The aroma is soft and sweet, but the taste is light and crisp. As the label suggests, it reminds one of moon-watching in a meadow with pampas grass rustling in the night.
Koumei, also at Yakiniku.
Good alcoholic aroma with added fruity notes.
It is light, dry, and sharp, but slightly aromatic.
It is described as a son's challenge, but I wonder if it was made by the brewer's son.
It is a yakiniku lunch in Yonezawa.
This is my first brand. And it might be the first frozen sake.
It has a nice alcoholic aroma. It is frozen, so it is tight.
The taste is gradually sweet and thick.
It is aromatic and slightly dry.
It is a sake that goes well with grilled meat.
The spiciness from the alcohol is quite harsh on the throat and tongue .................
It is full-bodied, but not too strong. It leaves a slightly spicy and bitter taste.
This is the 530th one-cup, one-pack festival.
I received this as a gift from my wife at the beginning of this year. I don't often buy alsobe for myself, but it tastes well-rounded and easy to drink.