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まるまるひがしにほん 東日本連携センター

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大宮駅東口に東日本全域のアンテナショップ的なお店があるのですが、 本日高校野球観戦の後に立ち寄ったところ、 さいたま市と友好都市の福島県南会津町のフェアがやっておりまして、、、 マナチーさん推奨の「裁ちそば」乾麺を見かけて即購入。 見かけたら買いたいと思っていましたが、こんなに早く出会うことができるとは❗️ 併せて同じ南会津町のご存じ花泉(全国的にはロ万の方が有名でしょうか。。)もゲット。 早速、晩酌で茹でていただきます。 乱切りで田舎風、洗練はされていませんが、だがそれが良く、本来の蕎麦の風味がジワジワと広がりたまらない旨さと食べごたえです😌 あと、昼に行った蕎麦屋でサービスの持ち帰り天かすで、揚げ出し豆腐風。 豆腐に天かすをあふれる位に載せ、麺つゆをかけてレンチンするだけ。 花泉の特別純米。 花泉にしては最初香りがたちますが、上品で落ち着いた酸と余韻があり基本的には辛口の印象でフィニッシュ。
Hiraccio, good evening again🤗. Omiya has an antenna store here 🙄. I'm going to drop by on the day I receive cold chrysanthemum at a liquor store in Urawa👍.
Good evening Rigel😊. Yes, it is true. I don't know if this will meet your expectations, but, surprisingly, there are some local brands of sake that are not available in liquor stores in the Tokyo metropolitan area.
Hello, and thank you for visiting my hometown of Minamiaizu. Thank you for tasting the sake from my hometown of Minamiaizu! And also soba noodles! The Naraya where we make our soba noodles is very close to my parents' house. I was friends with the children of Naraya, so I used to sneak into the old building when it was still there. (I used to sneak inside when it was the old building.)
Good morning, NABE 😃! I see you are from Minamiaizu town! And I didn't know it was near Naraya. Hanaizumi is a good sake with many lovers even in my countryside in Niigata. And this Soba is also delicious.
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まるまるひがしにほん 東日本連携センター
In front of Omiya Station. Visit the East Japan Products Exhibition Building. Sake tasting is available for 100 yen. The shopkeeper told us that the most popular sake was made in bourbon barrels. sake made from bourbon barrels, which the shop staff said was very popular. The aroma of bourbon was very strong, and when I took a sip, I could taste the bourbon flavor of the sake. The sake was bourbon-flavored. I don't know what to say, but the person I wanted to drink it with said it would be good to drink it on the rocks. Maybe it would be good to drink it on the rocks, albeit with a splash of bourbon. The alcohol content is high at 19 degrees, so it's strong. This is a prelude to a visit to Izakaya 🏮 after a long time 😊.