ななYahiko彌彦 極カップ弥彦酒造Niigata12/22/2024, 4:40:25 AM14ななThis was also a gift from a friend! It was very hot with a cute packet that didn't look like a cup of sake.Japanese>English
ななSeikyo吟醸誠鏡 シャレボトル グラス付きNakao JozoHiroshima12/22/2024, 4:36:27 AM15ななSouvenir from a friend. It came with a glass cup and was very cute! The sake was rather dry but very easy to drink.Japanese>English
ななKinryo瀬戸内オリーブ純米吟醸NishinokinryoKagawa12/22/2024, 4:32:53 AM16ななIt was touted as having a tropical sourness, but I thought it was more like a sake. Maybe it's because I don't have a discerning palate at all.Japanese>English
なな一辛初しぼり 灘菊灘菊酒造Hyogo12/15/2024, 12:31:57 PM12/15/2024灘菊酒造15ななPurchased on a visit to the brewery Easy to drink and affordable! The labels were so cute, I was so happy to see them!Japanese>English