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72 check-ins
Kamonoitsuha Flavor Chart


Kamonoitsuha Check-in 1Kamonoitsuha Check-in 2
Kamonoitsuha Check-in 3Kamonoitsuha Check-in 4
The sixth brewery in the Hankyu Brewery Festival 2023. Kamo Itsuha" at Tago Honke Sake Brewery, Okayama Prefecture Since I was going around with the legendary bouken-san from this point on, I was very excited and went to the booth of a brewery I was not familiar with. This brewery was revived with the support of a company under the Civil Rehabilitation Law after going out of business in 2020. At any rate, I tried to grab the brewer to talk about "Tsuyama Beer," which I had researched beforehand, and he gave me a pamphlet about Tsuyama Beer, saying that he had not brought it with him today. So he did bring the pamphlet with him 😁. And sake. Kamo Goyo Junmai Ginjo 🔴. Kamo Goyo Junmai Omachi Kamo Goyo Junmai Ginjo Nama Genjyo Kamo Goyo Daiginjo Doubonai Both "Kamo Goba Junmai Omachi" and "Kamo Goba Junmai Ginjo" were a little dry, not sweet, but the umami flavor made it not so bothersome. The "Kamo Goba Junmai Ginjo Nama Genjyo" is my favorite because of its rich, fruity, full flavor. I also got carried away and had the most expensive one, but there is no reason why it shouldn't be good at over 5,000 yen. The label is simple and clean.
Kamonoitsuha Check-in 1Kamonoitsuha Check-in 2
Kamonoitsuha Check-in 3Kamonoitsuha Check-in 4
Hankyu Brewery Festival (2) I knew the name of the brewery from its civil rehabilitation a few years ago, but I didn't know the brand name Kamo Goyo. Naturally, I have never had it. According to Nemuchi-san's information, Tsuyama Beer is famous. There are many breweries that brew local beer, aren't there? The beers we tasted were Kamo Goyo Junmai Omachi Kamo Goyo Junmai Ginjo Kamo Goyo Junmai Ginjyo Nama Sake Kamo Gobo Daiginjo Dojibon-i Daiginjo To-bin-oi has a graceful, gorgeous, and sweet taste, and I realized that this class of sake is delicious. The junmai ginjo nama sake was good, but it was expensive, so I wanted something more affordable, so I bought a junmai omachi.
Kamonoitsuha Check-in 1
Three cold and four warm days. It is cold today, and an unseasonal hot pot is dinner. I paired it with a local paper cup from Tsuyama, where I made a one-day business trip. It is gentle to the taste, light and refreshing. No bitterness or other unpleasant tastes. It is a normal sake, but it is good.
Kamonoitsuha Check-in 1
Kamonoitsuha Check-in 2Kamonoitsuha Check-in 3
It's been 8 years since I last drank it, 15 years since I last drank it, despite saying that it was my "favorite brand". I had never had Junmai sake before, so I thought I'd give it a try. ...... I had Junmai Omachi the last time. It is made from Nipponbare produced in Okayama prefecture. It is a food rice that swept Japan until the appearance of Koshihikari, and is often used as sake rice as well. It is a dry sake with a hint of cemedine and a hint of sweetness. A dark sake with a slight taste of cemedine.
Kamonoitsuha Check-in 1Kamonoitsuha Check-in 2
Kamonoitsuha Check-in 3Kamonoitsuha Check-in 4
Kamo Goyo Special Junmai Omachi May 20, 2022 Kanro candy, salty aroma and taste, with a mild sweetness. It is too chilled, so bring it back to room temperature. At room temperature, the acidity is assertive. The aftertaste and lingering umami are long, perhaps due to the power of the Omachi rice. Sake quality suitable for warming up.
Kamonoitsuha Check-in 1Kamonoitsuha Check-in 2
美作は津山の東部、加茂川のほとりで醸されたお酒を賞味。銘柄名は加茂川由来のもよう。 蔵元に寄ったら、たまたま蔵開きの日でした。くじ引きに当たって、梅酒もお土産にいただきました。 アルコール度数が18度とやや高めのためか、呑み口のアルコール感はやや強め。口にすると甘み・旨味が膨らむも、後味は清漣とした、芳醇な味わいの美味しいお酒でした。 多胡本家さん、去年、潰れるとかなんとか色々ありましたが、再建の道筋も一応立ったようで、酒造りも継続されていてよかったです。 かつてうちの近所にあった酒屋さんも「加茂五葉」を商っていたらしく、我が家に縁のあるお酒でもありますので、今後とも美味しいお酒を作っていってほしいです。

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