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boukenPurchased at Hankyu Department Store's traveling SAKE. It has a gentle taste with a sweet flavor that comes in the latter half of the bottle. It has a spicy taste, but it also has a fresh fruitiness. I also tasted Omachi, but Yumesasara was definitely my favorite. On the third day, the impression of sweetness and acidity became stronger.
マミオNikko Honor! I see you can drink it in Kansai too 😳This is the sake I remember getting at my wedding in Sanzanku 😊That's refreshing and delicious ✨.
boukenGood evening, Mamio 😃. You were at a sake event in Tochigi 😊. There is only one store in Osaka that has Nikko Honor, though the variety is limited 🤗.
まるわNemuchi posted an event that I also went to I bought Kaika and Nikko Honor at the event where Tochigi sake was the main attraction. Today I opened a bottle of Nikko Homare. When I went around the booth, there was no one from the brewery. The sales person was from Hankyu Department Store, but she gave us a very good service, not only giving us a brief description of the sales points and characteristics, but also her own impression of the sake. The taste, well, it tastes like earth. Nourishing and calm taste. It has a classical yet elegant taste. This is what sake is all about. It's still delicious. It is nice to be able to taste it when you buy it. I'll drink it at room temperature today. Next time, I'll try heating it up.
boukenTochigi sake featured in Hankyu Department Store's Traveling SAKE. After drinking Kiyokai nigori, it was getting crowded, so I left once and returned when it was empty. We compared Yumesasara and Omachi. I had a preconceived notion that Omachi would be tastier, but I found Omachi to be too strong and subtle. Yumesasara was delicious, so I bought it.
ねむちNikko Honor" and "Seikai" booths of Watanabe Sahei Shoten, Tochigi Prefecture. Whenever I went there, I couldn't hear much of what the other visitors had to say because they were too busy explaining to me💦. Seikai Tokubetsu Junmai Akkatsu Nigori Namaishu Kosui Shizenjyo Junmai Ginjyo Nikko Homare Yumesasara Unfiltered Nama-Genjyu Junmai Ginjyo Nikkohomyo Omachi Unfiltered Nama Nama Jozo The description says that the active nigori is a sparing type that goes well with strawberries. Nikko Homare was more like Yumesasara. I bought Nikko Homare because it was juicy and tasty.
Nikko-Homare雄東正宗 朝日榮 惣誉 北関純米吟醸
えだまめWhat a happy experience to compare local sake. The two on the right were light and refreshing, Asahi Ei was a strong sake, and the two on the left were a bit peculiar. It was a good opportunity for us to learn again how delicious Tochigi's sake is.
ぼうすけGood evening, Edamame! Thank you for visiting Tochigi & enjoying our many sakes 😊. I'm glad to hear that the second one from the right, Yuto Masamune, is the home of my classmate's parents 🎶Please continue to enjoy Tochigi's sake. 🙇‍♂️
えだまめThank you, Bousuke 😊. Your classmate's parents! Very nice ✨It was light and very easy to drink. Please give my regards to 🙇‍♀️ I got to know the depth of Tochigi's sake!
Nikko-Homare自然醸 清開純米
マミオThis year's drink, this year 🍶. We had it at a ryokan in Nikko and it was so good, we stopped by the brewery on the way home and got it with a local coupon✨. The brewing water we were allowed to drink there was pure and really tasty☺️The sake made with it was clean, unrefined, and went right in and tasted beautiful and gentle🍀Nikko love💕!