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2-22-1 Motomachi, Yame, Fukuoka
map of Takahashi Shoten
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Aromatic. Strong core. Strong acidity? I like spiciness. My partner was surprised at the spiciness. I didn't drink it. There are some things I don't like that there are some things I'm going to let it sit for a few days and hope to eat together.
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A gift. I was very excited to learn that it was a regional limited edition sake made from Omachi from the same brewery as Shigemasu! (Just after opening the package) Drinking it cold, the aroma was mild, with a hint of alcohol and a sake-like aroma behind it. In the mouth, the strong rice flavor spreads instantly and is immediately followed by the spiciness and dryness of the alcohol. The pungency and dryness do not last long and disappear quickly. When paired with blue cheese, the dryness and tingle in the aftertaste are short-lived and disappear quickly. If you drink it by itself without any accompaniment, the tingling and weak aftertaste lasts for a long time. A unique dry sake with a strong instantaneous wind, but with a short and clean aftertaste. The aroma is modest despite being a Junmai Daiginjo with a 50% rice polishing ratio, and the instantaneous wind speed in the mouth is high and unique. Is quite rare as there are few other postings. I'm thankful I got to drink it. The sake rice, Omachi, seems to be produced in Fukuoka (Itoshima City), and the label on the back of the bottle shows the particularity of the production area. Kaya in the name is also said to be Itoshima's local Fuji! (7 days after opening the bottle). When drunk lukewarm, the aroma is robust and heavy, and the flavor remains broad, but the dryness of the aftertaste fades and a strong richness is produced instead. As it gets warmer, the dryness fades and it gives a gentle impression. When cooled, the dryness is not felt. (18 days after opening the bottle) After a long time, the smell of alcohol somehow disappears and the juiciness increases.
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Dry and delicious. It is a good value sake and easy to pair with meals. After all, Omachi is rich in flavor and delicious! 🍶🍶🍶🍶
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「繁桝」を造っている高橋商店の販売店限定商品。 福岡県では「雄町」を使うのは珍しいとの事です。 冷・常温で頂きましたが、スッキリした味わいです。 火入れなので、穏やかな印象。 うちでは、料理のときにもたまに使っています。 酒蒸しに使うと非常に美味しいです。

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