ANAN福乃酒Takahashi ShotenFukuoka10/5/2024, 4:48:58 AM16ANANIt is refreshing and goes well with fish and meat. The Akita dog label is cute, and both the label and taste are to women's liking! (Female who likes sake)Japanese>English
かずほ福乃酒まぼろしの福乃酒 純米吟醸Takahashi ShotenFukuoka4/21/2023, 10:51:05 AM8かずほLight, easy drinking, refreshing, understated and elegant, sweet and dry.Japanese>English
いな タケ福乃酒Takahashi ShotenFukuoka1/17/2015, 10:47:42 AM1いな タケ友人からの返礼で頂いたお酒。呑みやすく、美味い〜 常温で飲んでますが、冷やしてお召し上がり下さいとあるので、冷やしたらもっと美味くなるかな〜?