荒井 正史A strong, impactful drink with a high Alc. tmkWoody acidity and aroma reminiscent of pine needles and cypress. It might be easy to imagine a perfume described as woody. The aroma may make you forget about it, but the mellow texture and sweetness make it delicious!
Smoked Eggs with Soy Sauce
Chart】 【Pairing
Sweet & Spicy Somewhat sweet
Shade Normal
Gas ☆☆☆☆☆
Sweetness ★★☆☆☆☆
Umami ★★☆☆☆☆☆
Sourness ★★☆☆☆☆
Bitterness ★★☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆
Al feeling ★★★★☆☆
Thank you for the delicious meal TSUBURNNot exactly accurate, since it was after eating a lot of garlic.
It feels like a refreshing drink. さけもんa warm-up is better than a cold one 旦Complex and deep flavors.
I'd like to try a cowboy or something like that. たまごIt has a massive flavor and can be enjoyed on its own or during a meal. gdsm5/5
It's mountain waste-like and has many levels.
It's a complex flavor. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title