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Brands from Bunbuku Shuzo

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3-15 Nakamachi, Tatebayashi, Gunma
map of Bunbuku Shuzo
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芳醇超辛口 番外山田錦
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Full-bodied. Slightly Yamada-like fruity flavor. It has a moderate sense of maturity and a pleasantly mild citrus acidity. The umami flavor is full, but the aftertaste is clean and balanced as if it were a dry sake. A balance of flavors that I like. Nice combination with lotus root stewed in sweet and spicy sauce. moderately
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Aged for 11 years The taste may have changed so much that it probably has not retained its original form. The flavor is amazing!
全麹仕込み 純米五年
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It's kind of like drinking Shaoxing sake rather than sake. It is more like drinking Shaoxing sake. Still, it is delicious.
全麹仕込み 純米5年純米
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When I was looking around while I was buying "Akagisan", I was very interested in "all koji brewing" and "5 years old", so I bought it! So I bought it! There was a lot of brown lees at the bottom of the bottle. When I mixed it together and poured it into a glass, it had a strong aroma of aging. It also has a good amount of viscosity. The mouthfeel is that of an aged sake. However, thanks to the sweetness from the koji, it has a low habit unlike "Taketsuru" and "Left Minister Aged 21 Years". There is no spiciness and it is mild, so even people who are not used to drinking aged sake can enjoy it. The aftertaste is a bit like drinking a cafe latte, and although it is more subdued than other aged sake, it leaves a lasting impression👍. This might be a good one to have for aged sake beginners 🙂.

Brands from Bunbuku Shuzo

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