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Brands from Shimada Shuzo

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1445 Shitsukawa, Toon, Ehime
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愛媛県の地酒 蔵元屋
Today's runner-up in the Ehime sake drinking contest is from a brewery in Shizugawa, Toon City. It is smooth and easy to drink from the beginning to the end. After the throat, you can feel the spiciness. It is not unique, but is a perfect accompaniment to a meal. The ginjo aroma is weak. Here is the description Sake degree +6 Alcohol 15 This ginjo-shu is brewed with the finest quality sake rice, Yamadanishiki, and brewed with the utmost care. Its subtle aroma and mild acidity complement food, and while it is dry, you can also enjoy its umami flavor.
小富士清酒 つうの酒 こふじ 辛口
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Shimada Shuzo Raijin no Shu, Kofuji, dry taste, lukewarm. We drank this brand when we stayed at a guest house on Oshima Island on the Shimanami Kaido (Shimanami Sea Route). It was my favorite, so I negotiated with the proprietress and bought a bottle from the inn's refrigerator. The taste is clean and dry. It plays a supporting role in enhancing the flavor of seafood.
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Today I went on a business trip to Toon City, Ehime Prefecture. I knew I couldn't avoid drinking sake from the brewery where I was going on my business trip. So I ordered some sake from the Shimada Sake Brewery at the restaurant where I was staying. I had wondered for some time which mountain was called "Kofuji," but the website clearly states it clearly. Here is a quote from the website. The name "Kofuji" was named after "Iyo no Kofuji," an island off the coast of Matsuyama that can be seen from the brewery in the distance. My impression of the sake is that it is a bit unique from the first taste. It is very light and dry. It is a sake that does not interfere with meals.
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I would have preferred to pair the kobudai sashimi (from Imabari Port) with a sake from Toyo, but I went with this sake from Chuyo Toon City, which I purchased most recently. Although the sake is super dry and has a Sake +12 rating, it does not feel that dry, and as the label says, it has a "refreshing taste" that does not interfere with the flavor of the food, making it light and easy to drink.
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It was a gift from my husband's family in Ehime. It's very dry. LOL! The aroma reminded me of the sake my parents used to serve hot when I was a child. It reminds me of the sake my parents used to serve hot when I was a kid.
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Recommended by a liquor store. It says it's super dry, but it's not extremely spicy; it's refreshing, slightly sweet, and easy to drink. Yes, he was right.
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Caramel-like aroma Rich but crisp sweetness. High acidity. The flavor is moderate. The mouthfeel is light. The aftertaste is refreshing. Taste like thin Shaoxing wine. Crisp and easy to drink. Goes well with ice cream
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Shikoku Pilgrimage Picture Scroll No.49, Jodoji Temple! Kofuji Junmai! It's called Junmai, but it's polished to 55, so it's Junmai Ginjo. It's good! A little sweet and easy to drink! My favorite flavor! If you're tired, it's a match for today, I enjoyed it with fried pork and spinach with sweet vinegar.

Brands from Shimada Shuzo

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